Saving a miracle?

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"Uh-huh, uh-huh, I understand you. Of course they can come!" Dozens of animals and birds flock to her and her door forms into an animal menagerie.

Ford is overjoyed and hugely relieved. "We have a new gift!" He yells to the crowd, people cheer and fireworks go off.

Angelica's new, magical room opens to reveal an enormous rainforest. Animals race through the crowd. Three kids from the opening enter. "It's bigger on the inside?!"

But as the kids gawk, a jaguar races past and to Angelica's delight, the jaguar scoops her up onto his back and races through the room, every kid's dream come true.

As the jaguars picks up speed, it playfully roars at Angelica. "You wanna go where?!" The Jaguar races up a tree trunk, tossing Angelica in the air.

She bounces across hammocks of coatis and skates on the surface of a river, using a snake as a rope, having the time of her life. Everyone watches as this introverted kid hollers with delight!

The jaguar and Angelica stop near the family. Wendy celebrates and the Jaguar leaps onto Robbie, nearly knocking him over. Dipper watches, relieved for Angelica, but the moment turns as Ford hurries over to Angelica, proud and relieved and pulls her in for a hug, his eyes full of pride.

"I knew you could do it... a gift just as special as you." The words pierce Dipper's heart, avoiding his feelings is no longer possible. He's so alone... and unworthy. Watching his family he feels he is not truly a part of.

"We need a picture! Everyone, come come, come, come, come! It's a great night, it's a perfect night!"

As everyone cheers, the brilliant light of a magnesium flash, sends everyone except Dipper in slow motion. As the zodiacs celebrate, Dipper, who is watching from the shadows from the side, tries to keep it together and failing.

"Don't be upset or mad at all
Don't feel regret or sad at all"

Party goers stream past Dipper in slow motion. The family circles around Ford.

"Hey, at least I'm still a cipher zodiac"

Dipper tries to take a step toward the others.

"And I'm fine, I am totally fine
I will stand on the side as you shine"

Dipper stands trying to be strong, singing to what he called his family.

"I'm not fine, I'm not fine"

As Dipper faces his reality, he finally lets out how he really feels.

"I'm not fine, I'm not fine
I can't move the mountains
I can't make the flowers bloom
I can't take another night up in my room
Waiting on a change

I can't heal what's broken
Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane
Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain
Always waiting for a miracle, a miracle"

Dipper leaves Angelica's room and starts walking down a hallway. Everything is still in slow mo. Dipper walks pasts the magic doors.

"Always walking alone
Always longing for more
Like I'm back to when i was 12
Wanting to change everything in my life"

Dipper sings in front of Ford's door. It transforms into Ford holding the candle.

"All I need is a change
All I need is a chance
All I know is I can't stay on the side
Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes"

Recreations of the zodiac's gifts begin to rise.

"I would heal what's broken
Prove to everyone that I'm something new
Who I'm meant to be, shouldn't matter to you
I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go"

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