Chapter 19

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I do not own any of the characters in this story except for the plot and the character Dean an OC. Alright guys this is the last chapter Sorry it took a bit longer to update wanted to make sure it was perfect before releasing it anyways thank you to everyone who took the time to read vote and comment it means a lot. Enjoy!

Chapter: 19

No one's P.O.V.
It was the next morning and Dean woke up with a huge headache. Thanks to candace and Jeremy he had just gone to sleep two hours ago and even though he would've loved to sleep all night he couldn't go to sleep not after literally hearing them have sex all night long. Just when he thought they were done for the night he would hear it all over again. He hated that the walls were so thin in this hotel.

He sighed in frustration as he got his cellphone and saw it displayed 6:30 in the morning. He groaned and made his way over to the light switch blinding Brandon and Coltrane who were in the room. "Dude warn us before you blind us" Coltrane protested.

"Sorry man let's get ready and get some breakfast and then hit the road." Coltrane groaned as he sat up rubbing his eyes "Alright I'll go wake up candace and Jeremy and you can go wake up the girls" Coltrane said as he began to get dressed. "Okay I'm going to go get the girls" Dean said leaving the room and a minute later Coltrane left the room as well to go wake up candace and Jeremy.

Meanwhile since the girls and the boys had conjoined rooms he opened the door the their room while keeping the light off just in case if they weren't decent. "Hey girls were up and getting ready go grab breakfast and hit the road." He said as he began to hear them yawning and groaning. "This is way too early to be waking up I thought this was supposed to be a vacation" Stacy said.

"It is and don't worry once we get to the actual hotel we won't be waking up this early." He said closing their door to allow them to get dressed. As candace and Jeremy were both snuggled up sound asleep he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door he squinted his eyes and groaned getting himself out of bed extremely careful so he wouldn't wake her up and walked over to the door opening it only half way since he was naked he only showed his face and half his upper body.

"Hey bro what's up?" He asked in a groggy tone. "Hey sorry to wake you but we're all getting ready to have breakfast and then hit the road" Jeremy yawned as he nodded his head "okay I'll get her up and then grab our stuff give us like 10 minutes." "Okay I'll let them" Coltrane said and Jeremy closed his door and headed back to the bed.

"Hey Candace" he whispered as he lightly nudged her. "What" she said annoyed as she lightly pushed him away. "Everyones getting ready to leave we gotta get dressed." She huffed in frustration and then noticed the time on her phone displayed 6:45 in the morning. "What's wrong with them it's not even 7 in the morning." She said as she got up from the bed irritated.

"Wow so I'm guessing your not a morning person." He said chuckling "no shit captain obvious" she said rolling her eyes causing him to laugh even harder. "It's alright babe you can continue sleeping in the car" Jeremy said as he grabbed their luggage. "Yeah I guess your right." She said as they both walked out of the hotel room and saw everyone standing outside waiting for them.

"What's your problem?" Candace asked Dean as he glared at both of them. "You two that's my problem! I got like almost zero sleep last night since you guys decided to do it the whole night! Oh and by the way the walls are very thin here." He asked angrily.

"Oh my god that's hilarious and Dean that's your fault for not bringing earplugs and plus who cares there both adults well actually just one of them is." Stacy said. "Whatever let's just go get breakfast and then hit the road." He said as everyone walked out of the hotel and to the car. Once everyone's luggages were inside the car Dean drove to a breakfast place that was across the hotel called corky's.

"We'll this must be a good place to eat look at how packed it is, Brandon do you wanna go put us in while I find a parking spot?" "Sure" he said getting out of the car. Meanwhile after a few minutes of driving around in circles someone pulled out of a parking spot and Dean was able to get it before another car showed up. "Alright let's go eat" he said as everyone got out.

As everyone got seated when they walked in they began ordering different things from the menu. "Candace did mom and dad give you money cause I'm not going to be paying for you each time?" He said as the waitress had taken all their orders. "Oh don't worry man I'm going to pay everything for her" Jeremy said as he put his arm around her and she blushed.

He scoffed shaking his head "of course you are" he said. After everyone was finished with their breakfast and paid the bill Candace looked over and at Jeremy and leaned in to him. "Do you think we should tell them here or in the car?" She asked whispering in his ear. "Let's just tell them in the car in case they decide to throw a scene." He whispered back in ear.

"Everything okay between you guys?" Dean asked as they were walking back out to the car and noticed them whispering things to each other. "Um yeah actually there's something we want to tell you guys" she said as they all piled into the car in the same order they had when they left their house. "Okay what's up?" Jeremy cleared his throat as he kept his arm over her.

"So we wanted to tell you guys that we're going to move in together" Jeremy said and everyone in the car went silent for a few minutes. "No! No! You are not going to move in with him! Are you out of your mind?" Dean said yelling at Candace. "Um okay first all it's not your decision it's mine and yes I am it doesn't matter what your opinion is." She said.

"Candace your fucking 17 years old what the fuck makes you think that mom dad are going to allow you to move in with your boyfriend!" He screamed "I know I'm 17 I'm not going to move in right now dip shit but I am when I turn 18 which is like in 11 months." She said. "Aren't you going to be attending college in Florida?" Dean asked Jeremy.

"Yeah for the next four years" "so what your just going to take her away from us then?" "Dean stop! I'm still going to visit besides I'll only be in Florida with you the next four years also since I'll be attending the Florida university as well out there." He scoffed "do mom and dad know about this?" "Yes I told them last week and they know I'll be in adult so I can make own decisions."

He shook his head "I can't believe your going to be so stupid but whatever you wanna ruin your life go ahead." Candace rolled her eyes and then laid her head on Jeremy's chest while he rubbed her back. Meanwhile after a few hours of driving and the music being the only sound in the car Dean looked back on his mirror and saw how completely relaxed she looked in his arms he sighed realizing that it made her happy being with him.

"Jeremy?" Dean said his name to get his attention. "Yeah?" "I think I can accept my only sister going to live with you but only if you swear not to hurt her in any way cause I swear if I hear or find out about you being an asshole to her I swear I will beat your ass." He said.

Jeremy chuckled as he kissed the top of her head. "Dean you don't have to worry about that trust me I'm never going to let anything or anyone hurt her ever again as long as I'm alive I will do everything in my power to keep her happy I would even lay my own life for her" he said and Candace's smiled as she kept her eyes closed.

Dean sighed and nodded his head "I really hope you mean all that I guess we could try and get along for her." "Yeah we really should try to get along for her I know it would make her really happy." They both nodded and smiled. Dean sighed in relief and focused on driving again meanwhile Jeremy moved a strand of hair behind her and kissed her forehead.

And that's when Jeremy realized that when he made that bet the money wasn't the prize it was her in the end she was his prize position and he would never again let her go."

What did you guys think about this chapter? What was your favorite part? What did you think about the news? And thank you to everyone who took the time to read Vote and comment it means a lot also I'm thinking I might make this sequel with Candace and Jeremy living together? I don't know what do you guys think? Should I? Anyways let me know and as always I appreciate votes and comments.

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