[Fluff] Satan Ankha Cosplay

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Sweet/Hyper [top?] Male Reader
Hints at that one nsfw Ankha animation video, slight pervy flirting, mentions of undressing.

Asmo burst into (M/n)'s room "(M/n)! Babe! I need to show you this video!" Asmo said almost yelling "uh, sure? But if it is some weird video and/or i get uncomfortable i get to hit you" (M/n) said looking up from his work "well i need you to watch it to see if i should show Satan" Asmo said, trying to get out of getting hit. "Mmm alright, show me the video" (M/n) said with a shrug. By the end of the video (M/n) had his face buried in his hands and sighed loudly once he heard the music stop "whyyyyyy" (M/n) whined. Asmo laughed at the humans reaction "soooo~ should i show him it too?" the flirty demon asked with a hum "you know what... if i had to see that so does he" (M/n) said with a sigh don't get the human wrong he loved the blonde demon but he hated suffering alone. Asmo jumped up and made his way to his older brother, (M/n) followed so he could see the cat loving demon reaction.

Asmo knocked on the door to Satan room "oooh Satan poo~ can i show you a video~" Asmo sung through the door. The blonde demon opened the door and raised an eyebrow once he saw (M/n) was tagging along "well, if (M/n) is with you then I suppose it can't be that bad, fine. What is it?" Satan said, opening the door and stepping aside so the two could come in. Oh how wrong he was, Satan closed his door "you might want to sit down for this video" (M/n) said with a soft smile, Satan then started getting suspicious of the video now but sat on the bed as told. Asmo played the video for his brother and at first Satan was interested in the video but by the time the video ended he was speechless and his jaw was dropped. Asmo laughed at how Satan was reacting, (M/n) chuckled a bit then patted the boy's head "Satan? Are you ok?" (M/n) said with a smile "no, i am not. That was horrible" Satan said softly

"What's worse is he has her on his island too" Asmo said with a big grin, (M/n) gasped "Asmo! You didn't tell me that!" (M/n) said, smacking the demon's arm next to him, Asmo only giggled more. The rest of that day Satan refused to talk to Asmo and (M/n), which the two found funny. After dinner (M/n) asked Satan a question which caused the wrath demon to blush and turn away from the human, ignoring him which made said human chuu but the other brothers thought it was weird, except for Asmo. "oi Satan why are you ignorin' the human?" Mammon asks "(M/n) and Asmo showed me a video and since I can't kill them I'm ignoring them." Satan simply stated "how bad is the video?" Levi asked "well it's not THAT bad but since Satan really likes the character he's angry" (M/n) said with a smile. "Not that bad?! How can you say it's not THAT bad?!!" Satan said with a glare but the human just gave the blonde a knowing smirk which caused Satan to tsk and go back to ignoring him. "Want to see the video?" Asmo asked with a smirk the rest of the group gathered around Asmo and watched the video.

Satan and (M/n) didn't want to see the video again so they stepped back and watched the others so they could at least enjoy seeing everyone's reactions. Lucifer left half way through the video, a slight blush on his face, he did not want to see more and he was slightly disappointed in what Asmo watched. Belphie did the same but left so he could sleep. Beel was dragged by Bephie so he didn't have to stay and watch. Mammon and Levi were just as shocked as Satan was. When the video finished Levi was the first to speak of the two "did you really save that video just to show us?...." Levi said "yes" Asmo said proudly. "Why is that even a thing?!" Mammon questioned "is this the stuff you watch?!" Mammon asked Levi. The anime loving demon blushed deeply "what!? I do not! That type of stuff I stay far away from!" Levi said, defending himself. Satan huffed at his brothers and started walking away, (M/n) followed him until the blonde turned around and glared at the human, normally that glare would scare off most of his brothers since it looks like he was about to attack someone but (M/n) just smiled at that glare since he had grown to adore almost all of his glares and pouts.

Satan sighed "does nothing scare you off anymore?" he asked (M/n) "hehe nope! Well something's do but you don't" (M/n) said happily as he stepped closer to the blonde, wanting a kiss but of course Satan just backed away, still a little upset from earlier. "Why are you following me?" Satan asked, smiling softly at the other male who he couldn't help but find cute. (M/n) got close to the others ear and whispered "so are we still up for tonight? Even though you're a little mad at me." (M/n) asked his secret lover. Satan slightly blushed and nodded, (M/n) stepped away with a smirk "cool" (M/n) simply said. With that (M/n) went back to his room and Satan did the same.

Later that night (M/n) made his way to Satan's room, this was pretty normal for the two of them. They have been secretly dating for about three months now, they didn't want the others to know since Satan figured his brothers would be agented it especially with the fact that they all are very fond of (M/n). (M/n) didn't care or mind if the others knew or not, he just liked the fact he could call the book worm his. (M/n) entered his lover's room and like always Satan was on his bed reading, (M/n) shut the door and locked it then walked over to the boy and kissed his forehead. "I have something i want you to wear" (M/n) said with a grin "i swear if you made the outfit she wears i will kick you out of my room" Satan said with a glare.

(M/n) laughed "aww come on~ i thought it would be fun~" he said wrapping his arms around the others waist as he cuddled the blonde. "My answer is no, i know if i say yes then if i see that video or hear the music then i'll only think of us doing it" Satan said bluntly with a slight blush "but don't you already think like that" (M/n) said kissing the blonde's neck. Satan blush deepend "that's not my point i'm trying to give" he said with a huff. Satan sighed and thought then said "fine...only because I know you'll enjoy it" (M/n) chuckled and kissed his lover on the lips.

(M/n) pulled out the dress that he spent that day making and a pair of yellow cat ears with a yellow cat tail butt plug. "Really? Even a tail?" Satan scuffed as he was starting to get undressed "oh hush, you know you'd be all for it if it was only the tail and ears" (M/n) said, eyeing the other's body. Satan rolled his eyes but he knew his human had a point, he put on the dress and it fit him perfectly, to (M/n) at least, to Satan it was too slim fitted. (M/n) made it so that it would show off every curve the other had. Satan put on the cat ears and (M/n) started to laugh, he covered his mouth to muffle his laugh. The blonde just glared at the human "that's it, I'm taking this off" Satan said raising his hands to remove the ears, (M/n) quickly stopped the other from doing so "no don't, i'm sorry ok." the human said with a chuckle.

"I know for a fact you're not, and i'm still taking this off" Satan said with a glare "alright alright, but can i please take a photo? At least one?" (M/n) pleaded. "And risk Mammon finding it? Hell no. and don't even think about saying he won't because I know that greedy bastard always messes around on your phone. He's the reason I have all the photos of us" Satan lectured "alright then let me take a photo of you on YOUR phone" (M/n) said, while hugging the blonde demon. "Still a no" Satan said, petting the human head "fineee, you'll have to wear this again for me some other time~" (M/n) said, burying his head in the other's neck "yeah yeah" the blonde said, planting a small kiss on the shorter males head.

Satan got dressed back in his normal clothes and the two decided to cuddle while the blonde read one of his books aloud. They completely forgot what they originally planned to do but they didn't mind, they both enjoyed their time together no matter what they did. Of course later on (M/n) did get that picture he wanted since Satan can never fully deny his human.

I hope this was enjoyed for everyone! I write in doc so there might be some paragraphs that are added together or missing spaces in between words but that should be all. Also sorry if this one is oddly paced, the original idea was to have a smut scene but I decided against it cause I just wasn't feeling it.

[Also the original title was supposed to be "Catan but I'll save that for another Satan story]

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