what is really happening:

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hey guys, this is a note from the author.

I owe you guys an apology, I have not updated in quite a while, I've been trying to but recently I've had things come up a lot.

I had an internet break during April,due to religious reasons.

My mental health is also not so great at the moment, as well as having GCSE's jam packed with national curriculum end of year exams and extra subject exams(6 subjects).

My school is being really unfair at the moment, as we have GCSE's which we are actually supposed to sit next year.Im doing 2 GCSE's this year, so 4 papers, BEFORE May holidays.

Its really stressful right now because I have to do well, especially with the impression that I have to do well due to going to a private school.

After May holidays, these extra subject (6) exams will take place in one week, 2 each day.National curriculum exams will also take place so that will be about 3 exams daily.

Multiple events are also taking place in my home life.

I was never a good performing student, so this is very stressful and Im actually quite stressed out at the moment.

I'm really thankful for all of you who have been very patient with me, and have not demanded anything out of me, I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much, and due to your patience I will tell you I had already begin writing the next chapter, and I hope to make it extra entertaining for you!


16th May 2022

I did Paper 1 GCSE today for computer science!I feel like I missed out from silly mistakes but what's done is done and Im really relieved I'm done with it

6th June 2022

Hey guys! so, I was wrong, I did 2 papers before the holidays, and it was citizenship paper 1 and computer science paper 2

For starters, who on EARTH made that citizenship paper?! Did you guys know that there was actually a question which a white man secretly gave a black person a banana! Like WHAT?! HOW on earth was I supposed to know how that was a symbol of hate crime without being racist?! Anyways, I waffled on that question because I absolutely didnt know what it was, AND IT WAS A 6 MARKER.

now, for computer science, I dont even want to begin with it. It personally feel like it was a major flop! We have unqualified teachers, so they never even taught us half the content. And while;e other schools have a 3 year course, my school decided to make into 2 year course. I wanna scream, cry and shout at the same time that was how bad it was. And, before you go ahead and say 'why did you not revise' , well I did. A lot of it was actually python stuff which we needed to be taught in school. Anyways, if you haven't done your GCSE's, let me just tell you to be prepared

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