Sick [giorno x reader]

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"I'm fine Giorno I'm not sick!" You complained as Giorno struggled to keep you from getting out of bed. "Yes you are. You literally threw up 10 minutes ago." "I ate to much breakfast." You lied.
"Stay here. I'm going to go get some medication for you. DONT MOVE." Giorno said as he left the room, leaving you alone.

Minutes later, Giorno returned with water and a pill. "Here take this." He dropped the pill into your open hand. You stared at it. "Fine." You groaned as  you swallowed the medicine.
"I'm gonna sleep now." You mumbled as you laid back down.

"I'm cold." You said a minute later. Giorno rolled his eyes and grabbed so blankets from the corner of your room. "Better?" He asked as he sat down next to you. "Yep. Thank you." You yawned. "Anything for you." Giorno smiled.

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