Johhny x disabled reader

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Ok so I love Johnny. I relate to him quite a bit because I was in a wheelchair for about a year and I really like it when I see disability representation coming form someone who is disabled.  Sorry about my little rant

I hope you enjoy this fic!!

The sun was hot and bright, you couldn't wait to get to the lake so you could let Core [your horse] rest.
From behind you heard gyro's voice singing about pizza or something. God why is everyone so freaking weird? You thought to yourself.

Finally you made it to a lake. You grabbed your flanked and cane. You carefully slid off of your horse and walked over to the lake. You sat down and unscrewed the lid and scooped up some water. You took a big sip of it before filling it up again. 

"Shut up I don't care about your fucking balls." Johnny sighed "Hey Johnny . Look there's a lake over there!" The other voice said to the voice who was talking about balls.

Soon two the young men appeared in the clearing. "Oh hey Y/N." Johnny said as he grabbed his foldable wheelchair [I forgotten how the chair works] "oi gyro help me out here." Johnny called. Gyro walked over and unfolded the chair. Johnny carefully slid of his horse and into the wheel chair.

"Want some water?" You asked the blonde as he sat next to you. "Thanks I'm really thirsty." He thanked you as he took the flask, taking a sip of it. "Hey guys let's stay the night it's getting late." Gyro sujested.

The three of you ate dinner and talked."I'm gonna head to bed you guys should too." You yawned as you grabbed your cane and walked over to your sleeping bag. [did they have sleeping bags in the 1800s?? Idk]

You awoke to a sound getting closer to you. You shot up. Johnny was rolling towards you in his sleeping bag. "Johnny what the fuck are you doing?!" You whisper yelled. "Gyros talking in his sleep again and his breath stinks."
"Then don't sleep next to him dumbass!" You retorted. 
Finally Johnny stopped rolling around like a tumble weed. "Now will you lay still for once?" You grumbled as you lay back down.

"I can't sleep." Johnny complained.

"Suck it up Joekid."

1 hour later



"I'm cold."

"That's sad but guess what I don't care."

12 minutes later

You awoke to the zipper to your sleeping bag being undone. "Johnny what the fuck are you doing." You glared at the man. "I told you I was cold it fucking freezing"
"Fine. But don't do anything Pervy."
"I wont I swear!" He said offended.

"Hey Y/N?"
"What exactly happened to your leg? I've seen the scar before and I was just wondering what happened." Johnny asked
"It was a fire. A beam fell on my leg and the beam was on fire and burnt my leg pretty badly."
You explained. "I was like 15 so it was only 3 years ago." 
"Wow. I'm really sorry about that." Johnny said "don't be. A candle fell. I was hiding from thieves and I knocked it over."

"Even then you were a clutz!" Johnny laughed.
"Shut up and go to sleep." He punched his arm.
"Ow fine!" Johnny rolled his eyes. 

Johnny didn't know why he liked you so much, maybe it was because he found someone that was like him, someone who understood his struggles.

"Hey can I tell you something really quick?"
"Sure what's up?"
"I like you a lot.
Your eyes widened at his confession.
"Same I like you to."

"Can i um ki-" you interrupted his question by kissing his lips.Johnny put his hand around your waist, and pulled you closer to him, he pulled away before he began kissing your neck. He bit your neck playfully.

after a while you both pulled away. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Johnny grinned. "God i love you Johnny." You smiled. "I love you too y/n." Johnny wishpered as he kissed your forehead. "

"We really should get to sleep."

Time skip brought to you by Dino Diego

You awoke to Gyro yelling at the two of you to get the hell out of bed or he's gonna throw the both of you in the lake.

"Shut the fuck up green balls." Johnny groaned.
"God what the fuck happened to the two of you last night? Y/N why the fuck are you playing with his hair?!" Gyro was extremely confused.
"Oi johnny stop grinning at Y/N like an idiot and let's go! Y/N here's you Cane. Johnny get on your horse now!" Gyro tossed you your cane and stormed off.

After gyro left the two of you burst out laughing.

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