Episode 6: Man VS Machine

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We start in the throne room of Maul, Cad Bane and Vex.

Bane: Do we step out of this battle now?

Maul: Don't be silly, I didn't think I'd ever say it but we have to help the Jedi.

Vex: Did I hear that correctly? Are you on spice?

Maul: Very funny, but I'm serious. The Jedi may be bad but Palpatine and his empire will be worse. Far worse.

Bane: He's right, with the Jedi people aren't scared of them to the point they won't put bounties in their heads. The empire, people would never even think to put a bounty on their head.

Maul: I must warn them... but who will listen?

Bane: Windu, Kenobi, Fisto, Shaak Ti or Plo Koon.

Maul: Kenobi, it has to be Kenobi. He's the only one that will hang onto every word I say. It'll take everything to not kill him but I must do it.

Vex: And how exactly are you going to bait him and then convince him you aren't going to kill him? If I was him I'd simply slice you in half again.

Maul: You're lucky I don't do the same to you.

Bane: It's not like you can walk right into the council.

Maul: But do you know who can? Do you know who's gain the respect of one of the most powerful Jedi to have ever existed?

Vex: Cad Bane!

Bane: You cannot be serious, I'm not going to watch the downfall of the supposed protectors again, I've already watched that play once before, plus the little green guy is in power now.

Maul: You cannot be serious. That little muppet is going to ruin it for everyone.

Bane: Am I the one to joke?

Maul: Urgh, that little green elf ear looking—

Vex: Okay let's all relax. It's not all gloom and doom right? We still have a chance in this. That's all we need.

Maul: You're really in the wrong place, the Jedi will probably love your stupid optimism now that I think about it. Bane take her with you.

Bane nodded his head, as he started to walk away.

Vex: We're going now?

Maul: It's now or never. I'll think of a plan to bait Kenobi. You 2 see if we can get a working relationship with the Jedi.

Vex: Can do.

The two walked off as Vex caught up to Bane. As we move to Grievous and Dooku.

Dooku: I'm afraid I'm hearing rumors of... Mace Windu coming to attack you.

Grievous: I've beat him in a 3 on 1, I'll be fine my lord.

Dooku: Do not underestimate him, on the right day he can beat me. An angry Mace Windu though? That's more powerful then Yoda and Skywalker combined. Don't be fooled, I've never seen him lose a fight until you came around. If you underestimate him you will die.

Grievous: Yes my lord, I apologize for my hubris. I will however be focused and I will slaughter Mace Windu.

Dooku: Good, if you get rid of him then there's a massive chance we will win this war and finally end the Jedi. The Jedi don't know how to control their hubris like we do. That will be their downfall, if it hasn't come already from Yoda.

Grievous: Where should I meet him my master?

Dooku: Don't meet him on his turf, don't meet him on our turf. You need a decisive win, not a win that can be disputed. Go to his home planet Haruun Kal, it's a simple jungle planet. Nothing major, plus you can say you beat him on his home world.

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