Chapter 2 <3

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yall? were meeting kit today lolz.

Alec POV:

alarm blaring, shooting out of bed i rub my eyes groaning to myself. Checking my phone i see todays the Oscars award ceremony is today. throwing my blanket back onto my bed huffing i throw on a pair of black ripped paired with a Nirvana long sleeved shirt. I threw on a few chains and a few bracelets sent in by fans. walking out to see my favorite car, unlike normal famous poeple that go for really flashy cars i have a toyota. it helps me stay hidden while also making me feel like im a normal kid as well. i hook my phone to the car smelling the semi familiar smell of cinnimon that lingers cause of the apple pie car scents in the air ducts. Almost immediatly the music starts hearing the silent buzz of the bass i start the actually fairly long 4 hour drive. i look over at the assistant driver beside me, being under the age of 18 i only have my learners.

*time skip cause i dont wanna wright about an awkward car ride*

Pulling up to the event i park and walk up to the red carpet, im defintly not wearing a suit and tie but thats definetly not me at all. im not gonna wear something im uncomftorable in. walking in i look aorund, not really looking 'at the competition really just looking around for a group of people that look friendly. as im looking aorund i see yaz and will standing together, remembeing them cause i followed them back from the heartstopper crew. putting on a small smile i walked up to say hi.

A- hey are you two yaz and will? I remember seeing you two followed me on insta.

i watched as both of there faces lit up,

Y- Oh my got, are you- Will is this callmeAlec?

they both stared a bit before i nodded.

A- i am, sorry i really wanted to introduce myself to people that seemed nice and you two are the most familiar.

W- were here with the rest of the cast, if im not mistaken there all here except for Kit. Wanna meet the rest of them?

A- yea sure first do you two want like my private insta? i dont really use my main for obvious reasons.

they nodded and we all exchanged public instagrams when a group of teenagers would over towards us. i recognized them as the heartstopper crew almost immeditly, my breath catching in my throat when i realized Kit was with them. hes so much more prettier in person. i watched as he make eye contact with Yas and Will before his eyes slowly met mine, both of us with a small red huge on our cheeks. this is embarassing oh my god.

Y- So Alec this is the rest of the hearstopper crew.

she point to each of them while going down the list of there names. Will peaks up from his phone, when did he even pull that out? he taps on my shoulder, leaning in to whisper something.

W- You follow everyone else, why not Kit? what? you shy or something? hes really a nice dude.

my breath caught, and a knowing smirk lands on Wills face,

A- i- i uh, i was going to but i guess i just got sidetracked.

will gave an airy chuckle,

W- Alec im joking i get it, nerves are a thing. its ok.

i gave a small laugh before the intercom blasted through the overhead speakers. 'attention all, please come to the stage the event is about to begin. everyone slowly made there way to the main room, staying semi silent as the event carried on. everyone there all got an oscar of course, for different things, mine was being a famous youtuber, kit was best LGBTQ actor, joe got best actor, ect. after the ceremony i met back up with some of the heartstopper cast and asked me to go to a dinner with a few of them, some where going home. i checked the time, 5pm. the ceremony lasted forever.
A- who all is going before i agree to this chaos?

Kit Connor x oc (male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora