Chapter 1- Garden Whispers

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Chapter 1— Garden Whispers

( the camera pans from the brilliant blood red sky of the Pride ring, down to the vast and luxurious grounds of the Ars Goetica family Mansion. Marble pillars coiled with unusual plant life line the edges of the main garden at the back of the house. In its centre, an illustrious fountain adorned with carved statues of Goetica demons holding eachother up and at its top, the moon, erupting with crystal clear water, untainted and untouched. The camera then moves through the garden, coming upon Stolas, dressed in very simple attire and his Octavia, rocking her usual Gothic choice of style. They walk side by side through the vast overgrown garden. )

Stolas : Hoo-hoo my owlet, it's so exciting to see you again. I've missed you terribly while you've been with your mother..

Octavia : Um... yeah.. dad.. its.. uh.. good to see you too..

Stolas : I hope.. everything is okay over there..

Octavia : it's... okay.

( Octavia sighs sadly to herself, Stolas looks over at his daughter with a sad expression )

Stolas : I know I'm not able to run interference... with your mother anymore.. sinc—

Octavia : since you started screwing that dick head.

( Octavias voice catches when she mentions his Imp. Stolas scratches the back of his head, sighing.. )

Stolas : that's fair... i deserve that.. but i genuinely do care for you Octavia.. its just.. your mother and I... we.. well.. I.. would never have been able to make it work..

( Octavia looks at her father, puzzled by what he meant. Stolas stops walking, looking off into the distance, remembering the whispers of another lifetime, before turning to Octavia and placing a hand on her shoulder )

Stolas : Octavia. Did I ever tell you the full story of my fall from heaven along with my comrads?.. I know.. You've learnt the overall story in school.. but.. I don't think.. You've heard my story. Come. It's time you learnt something about me.. and your mother.

( Stolas takes Octavia by the hand and leads her to the centre fountain, where he sits down and brings her to sit next to him, the sound of the gushing water hiding their conversation.. )

Octavia :, what.. do you want to tell me?..

( Stolas holds his daughters hands in his own and takes a deep, shakey breathe before looking at her in the eyes. )

Stolas : As you know, I was once a high ranking officer of the army of heaven. I commanded troops along with my fellow princes, and at the top, was lucifer, he inspired us, trained us, lead us to victory, to freedom. But... with freedom.. comes the price. When we rebelled and were cast from heaven, we had nothing but ourselves and eachother. Broken, alone, abandoned by the very being that created us. Lucifer stood tall, and proclaimed that he would build his own kingdom, with his own army, his own princes. And never again fall to the control of heaven..

( Stolas looks up while he speaks, as if directing his words towards the Angelic moon and Pentagram sun of the Pride ring sky. )

Octavia : But dad... I already know this..

Stolas : im not there yet starfire.. with us princes being the only ones in creation. We had... a finite amount of power.. protection.. status. Lucifer himself decreed that all the princes be sorted into their respective sins realms.. Mammon to Greed.. Azmodeous to Lust.. Lucifer to Pride.. ect.. and for the ars goetica princes, they were to begin having... offspring. For the future.. of hell and its... hierarchy.

The Wrong GoeticaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora