Chapter 3- Goeticas Fall

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Warning- this chapter contains descriptive gore, read at your own risk.

( The camera pans behind Striker running into the distance then zooms in on the Ars Goetica Homes outer grounds. Plant life around the mansion starts to shake and with a screech, they all begin to wither and burn, crumbling structures they've coiled and become one with to the ground. The earth beneath their feet splitting open as roots from trees spurt out, shriveling and dying.

Finally the camera comes to a stop in the garden once more, zooming in on Prince Stolas, who after being startled by the sound of gunshot, lept up from his seat on the edge of the fountain. He whips his head around 180°, attempting to find the assailant. Before stopping, and slowly turning his head back towards the front of the fountain. He notices Octavia on the ground, and very quietly says- )

Stolas : m-... my starfire?..

( stolas's world begins to slow as his brain processes and recognizes what he's looking at. He gingerly falls to his knees and shakily touches octavias bloodied face. His legs splashing into the ever growing puddle of blood around the corpse. )

Stolas : my... little.. owlet?..

( He touches her forehead, only to hear the distinctive crunch of broken bones, this causes a few skull fragments to stick to his hand with her blood. He looks at his hand, looks at his daughters corpse once more then with unimaginable force, he raises his head to the sky and screams incoherently and violently. The Garden around them shaking and crumbling as his screech ripped into the souls of all nearby creatures.

The sheer force and pain of his wail sends the imp staff of the Goetica mansion into a panicked frenzie, bursting their eardrums from the volume and driving them insane. Most of the staff try fleeing the mansion but find their own heads bursting with blood, forcing them all to drop dead on the spot.

The wails of a father could be heard entire rings away, from its location in pride, his wails we heard all the way down to sloth, something which terrified its usually somber hellborn citizens.

Stolas very carefully gathers his daughters corpse into his arms while he continues wailing into the sky, he holds her body tenderly to his chest, screaming incoherently at seemingly everyone and yet no one. He cradles the back of her bloodied head with one hand and the other, gently touches her face. )


( His own voice catches in his throat as he tries to scream her name, he continues wailing to the sky, begging anyone, anything, to help him. The surrounding landscape still crumbling and bending to stolases agony. The sky begins raining fiery meteors as stolas grasps his daughters corpse, desperate not to let her go. )

Stolas : who... who hates me enough... to hurt... my daughter... wh-...who.. did... this...

( stolas closes his eyes and nudges his daughters corpse with his beak, before freezing. His eyes shooting open with a look so malicious it'd wilt the garden of eden itself. He knew who organized this.. he knew exactly. Who. It. Was.

With his last remaining strength, he lifts himself off the ground with his daughter in arms. Her blood dripping off his legs and his aura growing darker and darker by the second. He holds onto his daughter tightly as bloody red eyeballs begin bursting out from beneath his skin and across his body one by one, they rip gruesomely open and almost immeaditly begin weeping.. he then turns and leaves the garden with his daughter. He quietly snarls under his breath as his body begins horrifically transforming with his grief and pain.

Stolas : ....Stella.

Chapter 4 coming soon...

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