Chapter 1

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*Taylor's P.O.V.*

He backhanded my face again. "Now get the fuck out of my face, before I fuck up your face even more!"

I ran upstairs to the bathroom, slammed the door shut and locked it. I stared at my face hard in the mirror. Blood dripped out of my nose, a fresh cut below my left eye. My right eye was still slightly bruised from last weeks beating. Scratches all over my arms from fighting back, a huge mistake on my part. My father, Blake Remington. The man who married my wonderful mother; the man who proclaimed his love for her; the man who said he would love us both forever; the same man who constantly beat me to release anger. Funny how people change isn't it?

Nicole Remington, that was my mom. She was just the sweetest woman you could ever know. If she walked into your life, you knew that you were blessed. There's only one way to describe my mom, and that's ‘heaven sent.’ She was caring, kind, and was always the first person to offer help, but the last to accept it. It didn't matter if she knew she was knee-deep in trouble, she constantly put others first. But her passion came with a curse. Her love for people and wanting to help others made her enlist in the army, to help fight for our country, and everyone in it.

"This is the only way I know how to fight for all people in my country. One person at a time is not enough for me. I need to know I'm helping as many people as I can, and the army allows me to help everyone at once." (Nicole Remington)


I woke up that morning, with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not in a sickly kind of way, but in that 'something's not right' kind of way.

"Dad?" I yelled from my room.

"In the living room!" He responded.

I slowly made my way downstairs. I saw my dad sitting on the couch watching TV, with his laptop in his lap. I sat next to him, put my legs on the couch bending them, and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Everything okay?" My dad asked. "You seem kind of distant."

"What?" I asked, too lost in my own thoughts to pay attention.

"You're distant. Something's bothering you. You know you can tell your old man anything."

"Yes, dad, I know." I sighed. "I don't know, something's just wrong. It doesn't feel right. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's like when you know something's going to happen. Good, bad, or indifferent." I looked up at my father, looking for understanding. But all I saw was confusion.

"Everything's okay sweetie." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I cuddled into him, letting his warmth and closeness soothe my nerves.

The phone rang, and the Caller ID flashed onto the TV screen.  "Unavailable: 1000-000-0000." It read.

"I don't think you should answer that." My dad stated, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Actually, I think I should." I replied as I rose from the couch to answer the phone.

I spoke into the receiver. "Hello?"

"Yes, hello. Is this Taylor Remington?" The man on the other line spoke.

"Yes, this is her. Who is calling?"

"This is Sergeant Greene, calling from head base in Iraq."

My heart immediately dropped, and my voice cracked as I spoke again. "Is everything okay?" I already knew the answer. Sargents in Iraq have better things to do than just call families for a 'hello' and a quick chat.

"I'm sorry. I wish I was calling with good news. Your mother, Nicole, was in an army tank that was hit by a roadside bomb. The doctors have done everything they can do. I'm very sorry ma'am."

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