Chapter 9

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*Taylor’s P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning in Niall’s bed, him holding onto my waist. If I could just wake up like this every morning, that’d be perfect. I removed his arm from around me and turned to face him in the bed. I kissed him lightly on the forehead, before I climbed out of his bed, and walked to Zayn’s room.

I knocked on the door. “Zayn?”


I opened the door and saw him laying on his bed, no shirt and some boxers. I smiled and raised my eyebrows.

“What? It’s my room right?”

“I just want to talk to you.” He sat up in bed and motioned for me to sit next to him.

“Why are you up so early?” He asked me.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

He smirked. “I couldn’t go back to sleep. Your turn.”

“Force of habit.” I stared at his legs. “Can you at least put some pants on?”

He sighed and rolled his eyes rising from his bed. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed some pajama pants from the drawer.

“Thank you.” He sat back down next to me. “First, what happened yesterday. Simon doesn’t approve of the relationship that Niall and I have, and he wanted us to break up. But I don’t want to and neither does Niall, I think.

He scoffed. “I’m not surprised. Our management can be such assholes sometimes. They didn’t like any of us getting girlfriends. But we did it anyway. Maybe it’s the sales they’re afraid of. All I know is that when I met Perrie, the last thing on my mind was management. We’re on that rebel status.” He smiled at me.

“Woah. Badasses over here. But seriously, what do you think we should do? I’m scared that he’ll drop me because management told him to. This is exactly why I didn’t want to put my heart out there again. You invest all your time into someone, and then there’s always the possibility that you’ll have to end it.” I sighed placing my head on the pillow behind me.

He pulled me into him wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I placed my head on his chest. "Listen. I'm going to tell you this. What management says to us honestly goes in one ear and out the other. We listen to them, but only when it's important. Like for tours, appearances and things like that. But with our personal lives, they don't control what we do. They can only watch as we disobey them. And we don't mean any disrespect, but if you haven't noticed, all of us are just really big kids. They always threaten us with getting rid of us or whatever, but they never do. Simon would never go for that, and then they would be out of a good paying job. They say stuff to scare us into doing what they say. That being said, relationships aren't perfect. Look at Perrie and I. We haven't talked since she left. But we didn't break up. She just wants some space right now, and I'm giving it to her. You guys are smart, and you both know what you want. It'll be okay, I promise."

"Okay." I smiled at him. "Since when did you become Mr. Advice?"

"Since Ms. Drama Queen over here needed him."

I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"Is there anything else you need from Dr. Malik?"

I smiled at the title he made for himself. "Actually, yes there is. Remember when I told you that I thought I was mooching off of you guys?" He nodded. "Well I did some research and things, and I know what I'm doing. I'm going to act. Yes I know that it's a little crazy, but I've always loved acting, even when I was younger. So I made the first step, put together my resume, made some calls, and I have an audition for an upcoming role in a movie!"

A broad smile spread across Zayn face. "Taylor! That's amazing! When? Where? Does Niall know? We have to tell him!"

"Zayn wait. I don't want to tell him yet. There's kind of a downside. I have an audition, but it's back home. And assuming I make the part, I'll need to stay out there. But again, I'm not mooching off you guys, so I'm buying my own place. I don't want to live with you guys anymore. Not that I don't love it, because I love you guys more than words can express, but I want to be on my own now."

"Wow. That's a lot. You think Niall will be mad?"

"I don't know. I didn't want him to think it was because of management. Or that this was my way of saying 'we need a break.'” I said, making air quotes. "I have no choice but to leave on Sunday."

"Sunday? That's in two days!" Why'd you wait so long to say something? How are you going to do all of this?"

"I was waiting for a callback from someone. I have a savings account that I'll use to buy a place. While I wait to see if I got the part, I'll stay at Niall’s house. If not, I'll come back here, or wherever you guys are going."

"I like the idea, but you're not paying for anything. We'll get it."

"Zayn, I can't ask that. I got it, I really do."

"No. I'm not asking you, I’m telling you. If you make it, I'm paying for you."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he wouldn't back down. Then I started thinking about Niall again. What if he gets mad at me? Maybe this would be a good break for us. I sat up in the bed when I heard someone knocking on Zayn's door. I looked over to see Niall standing there in his pajamas, well, what Niall called pajamas. No shirt and pants. And that was all mine. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him.

"Trying to steal my girl Malik?" He said in a joking tone.

Zayn put his hands up surrendering. "Oh, you caught me." He winked at me.

"I feel so wanted." I smiled getting out of Zayn's bed walking towards Niall, who had his hand out. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me.

"Eww!" Zayn yelled. "PDA!" He laughed at us.

We completely ignored him, and Niall took me downstairs. We walked into the empty kitchen, that's usually filled with talk. Mostly Louis causing a scene. "Where's everybody?"

He shrugged. "Beats me."

I walked into the Living Room and fell onto the couch. Niall walked in behind me and sat next to me. "Everything okay?"

"Um, yeah." I lied, then I shook my head. "No, it's not. I have something that I really should tell you. When I went to the studio, I explained to Zayn that I feel kind of like dead weight. I know I'm not, but ever since I've been here, I've literally done nothing with my life. So I'm following my dream of becoming an actress. And yesterday, I got a call from a company."

"That's impressive!"

"Yeah, but it's back home, so I'm leaving Sunday, and I'm getting my own place to live."

He was silent. I knew he'd be upset. Damnit. We sat in silence. He pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. He cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss.

"That's incredible."

I smiled at him. "So you're not mad?"

“Why would I be mad? My job is to support you, not bring you down. I mean, unless you’re on top of me.” he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him again.

“I want to go.” He said, interrupting the moment.

“But you have things to do don’t you?” I furrowed my eyebrow, searching his eyes.

“Yes.” He smiled. “But I can take a break. Plus, we’ll be alone for a while.”

“Mmhmm. We will.” I smiled.

“Well, we should start packing then.”

I nodded in agreement, rising from his lap and walked away with Niall following close behind. I smiled at myself. Well Taylor, welcome to the new chapter of your life.

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