Chapter 11

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*Taylor's P.O.V.*

Niall opened the door to his place.

"We're home!" Who he was announcing this to, I don't know. I laughed at him, and put my suitcase to the side.

"Aren't you going to unpack?" He asked me.

"Well if luck is on my side, I won't be staying."

"Ouch." He placed his hands on his chest.

"You know I didn't mean it like that." I walked over to hug him.

"When's your audition?"

"Tomorrow. Actually can you rehearse with me?" I didn't wait for his response. I went to my bookbag and took out my materials. I handed him a paper. "First I'm going to do a monologue, then you can help me with the scene." I pointed for him to sit on the couch. I stood back, and looked down at the floor closing my eyes before I began. I looked up, and look past Niall's head, to avoid breaking my concentration.

"Let me tell you something about 'too young.' 5 years old, raped by her father. 10 years old raped by a family friend that he was supposed to trust. My friend, 13 years old, pregnant with her second child, forced to drop out of school. 14 years old, died from committing suicide. Another friend, 15 years old, shot by stray bullets. 16, hit by a car. My cousin. You remember him? Shot in a gang fight. Age. Age, is nothing but a number. Anything can happen to anyone at any time. Me?…Me?… Me, I’m nothing…Where the hell am I going? Down the same road of failure unless I do something right now. When I was younger in the wintertime when it snowed, the steps would be covered. The kids on the block would build up the snow around it and make a nice little hill. We'd ride our sled down it all day. But one time my friend William came down a little too fast. He hit the end and went flying. You heard his face hit the pavement, screams erupted as he tried to stand up." Tears brimmed my eyes. "His face practically split right in half. I stared at his bloody open face and thought, well that's the end of Willy. But the ambulance came. They took him and sewed him all up. And the next time we saw him, he just had a little line down the middle of his face. That amazed me. They could take anything broken and sew it all up, make it whole again. I wanted to do that. It used to be so important to me. I wanted to cure. It used to matter. I used to care…But since then, all these people putting me down, I've stopped caring. But I'm over it, I'm sick of everyone getting an opinion in my life but me. You're never too young for anything. So next time you want to talk to someone about that 'you're too young' bullshit, don't come to me, because I could give two shits about age. I've seen too much, and been through too much to fall for that ignorant bull."

I finished the monologue and focused on Niall's face again. His mouth was parted staring at me. "What? Did you like it?"

"Where the hell did that come from? You never told me you could act!"

"You never asked." I walked over to him smiling. "Thanks babe." I went to take the scene from his hand to practice, but he held it high and I couldn't reach it. "Niall, give me."

"Don't you want to take a break?"

"A break? And do what? Need I remind you that my audition is tomorrow?"

"Yes, I know. But I want to hang out. What if we have to go back to the boys sooner than we thought?"

"So basically if I suck at my audition?"

"Not like that, but yeah."

"Fine. What do you want to do then?" All I received was a smile.

 "Get your things."

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