What Are You?

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You shrank back further as your cage was crowded. There pushing and shoving and calling out as everybody seemed to want to get a better look at you. 

Have they never seen a human before? You wondered, but you quickly answered your question. From the way everybody was crowded around you, you guessed they hadn't, and whoever they these creatures were, they were clearly intelligent, as were dressed in clothing, and had the ability to create structures along with the cage you were stuck in, so they were clearly more then just animals. 

It was hard to think from all the noise, so just when you thought you couldn't take it any longer, a voice more commanding and louder then the rest of the crowd ripped through the air, silencing everybody. 

"QUIET! WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE!" You peek between the crowd and see one of the large furry creatures walking towards you. As the crowd parted before her, you heard her grumble, 

"I swear if this is about some new stupid jewelry again, I am going to be-" She stopped mid sentence as she looked into the cage and saw you. She didn't even say anything. She just stared at you in utter shock, not even bothering to hide her emotions. You looked back at her. 

She was a wolf. She had black and grey fur, although most of it was underneath a large metal breastplate, along with most of her body. The metal gleamed in the light wickedly with her standing menacingly over your little containment. It was only this your brain finally realized how big she was. She was massive. Much bigger than you that was for sure. In fact, most of the crowd surrounding your cage was bigger then you. The shortest of them only being just taller then the top of your head, while the tallest being taller then you by several feet. 

Several emotions shot across the female wolf's face upon seeing you. Mainly shock, surprise, and pure confusion. It was only this that she finally spoke. 

"W-wha, what is this? What are you?" She asked to herself. You took this as a question for you, so taking a deep breath you responded. 

"Um, who are you people? W-where am I? You said, taking the opportunity of silence to finally say something. Everyone looked back at you, with shocked expressions on their faces. Suddenly, commotion broke out once more. 

"Hold on a sec! IT TALKS!?" Somebody shouted in the crowd, as some animals got closer, others moved away, clearly now slightly frightened of you knowing now you were an intelligent being. 

The guard examining you jumped back in surprise, upon hearing you talk. For a few seconds she did nothing before moving closer again, but this time more wary. 

"U-uh, Excuse me, whoever you are, but I didn't know you could speak." She said. You noticed her free hand was hovering slightly over a metal spear strapped to her hip. As if you were going to lash out and attack her if she got too close. 

"Would you mind telling me what you are? Exactly? Where did you come from, how many others of there are you?" She asked, except the last part was said more urgently, with a slight growl. She was still positioned a meter away from the cage set in the clearing. You noticed she had raised her spear slightly and was pointing it in your direction. 

You thought for a second. Of course you weren't going to reveal anything to these animal humans. At least not yet anyway. You still didn't trust them, not to mention you still didn't know where you were exactly. 

Before you could give an answer, somebody stepped between you and the guard. It was the dragoness that you had seen before you got captured. In fact, she was one of the creatures that helped capture you, along with the wolf, and some other person you couldn't see when you were netted. 

She stood in front, separating you and the female wolf guard, trying to release the tension. 

"G-goodafternoon, ma'am, I know this looks bad, but we didn't know it could talk. We thought it was just an undiscovered wild animal. The wolf turned her attention towards the dragoness. "Are you saying you were the one who captured this, this, thing." She said with a slight sneer at the end, although you weren't sure why. 

The dragon nodded. "Y-yes, me a few friends. W-we weren't sure what it was. Listen, we can go back and release it if you want-" 

"WHAT!?" yelled the wolf. "You want to release it!? Look at it! It could be dangerous, and it's intelligent. The creature needs to be locked up until we can figure what it exactly is." Suddenly, she gave a barking whistle. A few seconds later, a few other guards showed up. All dressed in metal armor although not a shiny or polished as the wolfs. You listened, nervous, as she barked orders to the others. She ordered two guards to detain the dragoness for questioning along with her other 'friends' and the remaining guards to clear up the crowd and transport you to a stronger and more 'secure' cell. 

You tried to protest but you were still locked up so fighting didn't help much. Not to mention you were still in the small cage, so you couldn't exactly run away. Two massive guards came over to you, and picked up the cage you were in, and began to move out of the market area, filled with brightly colored stands and shops, Behind you, you could hear the dragoness yelling and shouting for the guards to release her. 

I hope she's ok. You thought to yourself, as you were carried away, watching as the previous surrounding crowd was broken up by the wolf and the remaining guards. You could hear her shouting something about contacting the queen, and about a kingdom emergency, although you were too nervous about what was going to happen to you then anything else at that current moment. 

The guards marched you out of the market, taking you, to what you would soon find out, is the prisons. 

Then your fate in this world would be decided...


(Authors Note)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Decided to leave this chapter on a cliff hanger...

Muhahahahh >:D

Also, just to mention I will be updating other stories, along with this one as much as possible. I am always open to some feedback on how to improve my stories. 

Remember that with everything going on in the world at the moment... You guessed it!

Stay Safe out there!


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