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3 whole years ago. Time goes by fast, doesn't it?

I remember everything that's happened at the start.

Born in a place that hid my freedom away from me. 7 years ago. I thought this was normal.

Octozeppelins in the sky, in a society where Octarians filled the place. Our job was to kill all Inklings, There was only one king, only one leader that made us so strong and fierce. Dj Octavio. We were all bloodthirsty warriors, being mind controlled by him.

I remember seeing familiar Octolings like Marina, and Ahato. Marina means alot to me, and even if we never knew each other much in the army, we bonded quickly on the surface.

Ahato though....

I don't know what happened to her...i hope she's okay, but she would've found her way to the surface by now. Its been so many years. Where is she?

I remember hearing the melody of the inkantation, and me and her were seperated when escaping. I wish i went with her.

I remember finding my way into a whole new world, Inkopolis Square, the bright lights of teal and pink shining down on me. It was too bright, couldn't see much. It was raining that night, i was so cold, so tired. I thought i'd never find peace again.

That was until..

I remember, i remember bumping into this guy. He was slightly taller than me, his hair was almost covering his right eye. Speaking of eyes, they were beautiful. Dark blue, almost like the ocean. I got startled for a minute. I thought he was gonna be afraid of ne, since thats how Octolings seemed like to the Inklings. Bad guys, scary, evil...

"You okay?" the tall Inkling asked.

He helped me up, though i didn't say a single word. I was speechless for a moment. He's not afraid of me..

I quickly stood up on my heels. I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth.

After awhile, the man spoke again. "name's Ikkan. Yours?"

I finally had the courage to speak up after awhile.

"W-Warabi. Warabi Watanabe."

After talking for awhile, he decided to take me to his aparent, since more rain was pouring down, and it began to get windy.

That night, he gave me new clothes, even fixed something to eat for me. He was surprisingly chill. about an Octoling being in his own apartment. Does he know about Octolings, or does he know that im one of the newly-defected ones?

I began to get this feeling inside of me. Butterflies in my stomach. Nervousness? can't be nervousness. I have nothing to worry about.

From this night forward, he introduced me to Inkling culture, bought me new clothes, shoes, he didn't care about how much they were spending, whenever i pointed something out, he would buy it. I was too excited, to be honest. He bought alot of stuff that day, but he didn't care. "Its fine." they said.

At Jelfonzo's, i picked this long sleeved shirt with a red skeleton pattern to it. Ikkan thought i looked great in it, and i looked at myself in the mirror. 'This is the new me. The new Warabi.' i thought.

Our bond grew bigger. We became inseparable, and one day i mentioned to Ikkan that i had a musical interest in becoming a Dj, and surprisingly, Ikkan used to be a bassist in a popular band. We both decided to form a band together, because why not yknow?

I sit on the balcony sometimes, thinking about how good life is so far outside of being stuck underground for so many years.

Finally, im free. This is what freedom feels like. No more orders. No more darkness.

No more Octavio...

Ikkan was the light to my dreams, i thought i would never find anyone like them. But i did, and i really appreciate it.

He gave me a second chance in life. Im finally happy, with him, Marina, and Pearl.

Im finally in a place where i can truly express myself, in a world i can truly call "home".

I thank Ikk. For everything, really. I love them so much. They've done so much for me..

The sun sets, i feel tears forming in my eyes. I felt the cool wind breezing.

"Inkopolis is all about second chances!"

Thats what Pearl said to me.

That makes sense....

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