His Octoling friend

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Marina's POV:

I noticed that Warabi hasn't been feeling like himself as of late. Is something bothering him? I wanted to invite him over for breakfast. Just me and him.

Pearl went out somewhere, so it was just me fixing breakfast. Now that i think about it, he's been further distancing himself away from us, even his other friends.

I finally texted him.

DJ_HYPERFRESH: Hi Warabi, i noticed that you haven't been feeling well for the past 3 days. Are you okay? Would it be fine if i invited you for breakfast? We can talk about it.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, he texted back.

WARABIIS: Hi, yeah, i'm fine with it. What are you making?

DJ_HYPERFRESH: Pancakes. Pearl's favorite. isn't it your favorite too?

WARABIIS: yeah. I'll be there soon.


It was silent at the table for a moment. Warabi kept stabbing his pancakes with a fork...i think its best if i say something now.

"So...you haven't been feeling like yourself lately. You need to speak up about it. Please, i need to know if there's something wrong.

Warabi's POV:

No words came out of my mouth. I wanted to speak, but i couldn't. What's wrong with me?

"I'll give you some time." Marina says.

This whole conversation felt awkward, but i finally spoke.

"I...I've been having nightmares about it. Its like im still there, even though im not. Even when i escaped the army and i live here now, i still feel trapped." i said, looking down.

"Listen. I know it can be hard sometimes, but even if you still feel like this, its important to remember that it's all in the past. Your safe now, and your here with us. You have been through so much, and even when i grew up in the army myself, i still use this thought to cope with myself. Past is past. This is the future. your future." Marina says.

I looked over at her laptop on the counter, noticing that she still has Dj Octavio's logo on it.

It seems that all Octolings still stays loyal to Octavio. Makes sense..

I looked at Marina.

"I don't think i want to talk about it anymore. Can we just...get this over with?" I said, looking away.

"Warabi, thats not a healthy way to cope, by keeping it in. You need to talk about it."

"I don't want to. Leave me alone."

Marina suddenly rested her hand on mines.

"I know exactly how you feel. When i first came to Inkopolis with Pearl, i started having these thoughts that you had. I kept them in for so long. Years later, i eventually spoke up to Pearl about it, and she fully supported me. I felt great ever since that day. Getting it off your chest really helps."

Out of the blue, tears rolled down from my eyes.

"Is it...okay if we hug for a moment?" i asked.

Marina stood up. "Sure."

It felt weird saying that, but i eventually wrapped my arms around her, and she does the same.

Marina's POV:

Sounds of crying, hiccuping came from Warabi, as he was hugging me. I couldn't help but wanting ot cry aswell, tears welling up in the corner of my eyes. But i kept it in, not wanting to make the scene more emotional.

I really care so much for him. He's been through alot, so he deserves a happy life in Inkopolis to make up for that.

I just wished i talked to him about this sooner.

I just...want him to feel welcome and safe with everyone.

But i guess if he's happy, then im happy too.

A week later, he felt back to his happy, energetic self.

He always value me as "one of the bestest friends he's ever had."

"Knowing you and the other's are here reminds me that im safe, and i never have to go back down there again."

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