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It was a Sunday and Mr.Vernon sitting on the sofa, hands crossed he said "Fine day, Sunday. Why is that Dudley?" He asked his son, the son made a 'no idea' face as harry answered his question instead "Because there's no posts on Sunday" "Right you are Harry!" He says eating his cookie.

Harry looks out the window noticing owls again while Mr.Vernon continues being delighted that there won't be posts on Sunday; but little did he know that there were hundreds of owls outside their house.

Sitting near to the fire place Violet suddenly sees a letter fly out of the fire place and slap Mr.Vernon right on his face. Then everything starts shaking as thousands of letter come everywhere from the house. Harry and Violet start jumping trying to take one of the letters.

As soon as they get ahold onto one of the letters both of them start running to the cupboard under the stairs but by then they could Mr.Vernon catches both of them but they keep trying to free themselves as Mr.Vernon yells "That's it! We're going away, far away, where they can't find us!".

The Dursleys take the potter siblings and flee to a small shack on a large rock way out to sea, where Vernon believes nobody stands a chance of delivering posts.

On a stormy night at the small shack, Harry and Violet were lying down in between the sofa Dudley was sleeping on and the fire place on the ground, Violet draws a birthday cake for Harry and says "Make a wish Harry" as they see the time on Dudley's watch. As soon as Harry blows the sand-made candles Violet drew; everyone wakes up 'cause of a loud thud and bangs on the door, Violet scared hides behind harry while harry hides behind the wall. Vernon and Petunia walk downstairs, a gun in Vernon's hand as they see a huge man with a big beard barge into their home.

"Sorry 'bout that" the man says as he closes the broken door with a thud.
"I demand that you leave for once sir! This is breaking and entering" says Vernon clearly terrified.

A gunshot heard as the man turns towards Dudley "Well i haven't seen you since you were a baby Harry, but your -wait! Where's Violet, Harry?" He asks ."I-I'm not Harry" Dudley replies stuttering. "I'm Harry and here's Violet" says harry showing himself and his sister to the man. The man hands over a box to harry telling him he made it himself, words n' all. "Thank you" Harry says as Violet smiles looking at the home-made cake.

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