ও 🎆 🎔 ꕤ0.02/Arx

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"Arx!" I open my eyes, everything around the room stops moving. "Mother?" She walks closer to me. "Why are you not sleeping?" She ask. I look up to her, "I needed to see something but it didn't come to me" mother nods like she understands but I know she doesn't, no one really does only my old jedi master does. We were on a mission and I got lost on my way back and ended up here. I watch mother turn off the light and turn to me "get some sleep honey, love you" she says I watch her walk away. I pick up my lightsaber and placed it on my belt, i can't sleep not the thought that tomorrow I be reaped, mother told me and my sister that our family was chosen, I know she won't pick my sister because she only 12. But I won't accept my fade so fast. I refuse to. I open my room door and make my way outside. Where am I going? To see if I can find a way out, Droid i whisper. He beeps "I'm not tired buddy besides we need this" I tell him. As we walk, it slowly beginning to become morning, when I find it a cave with an symbol, I carefully look around, as I placed my hand on the symbol the door opens and closes as I walk in. The lights turn on. I begin to look around, carefully placing down my light Saber, it's only a training Saber but I need a real one for tomorrow and I'm ready for a new one. My Droid jumps down from my back to help me. I close my eyes and begin to work on making the new lightsaber. Forcing my self hard to focus, the light Saber peices begin to circle around me slowly turning into a lightsaber.
The light Saber turns on, I open my eyes to see a color the color of a blue lightsaber shines back on me. It turns off and falls into my hands. I smile as I look at it, my Droid beeps at me. "Yes Droid I'm almost ready" I say as I stand up and placed the new weapon carefully on my belt. There's only a couple of kids like me so I doubt anyone would notice me gone. I carefully placed my hand onto the door as it opens again, my Droid jumps back on to my back. I begin to make my way back to my house when I'm informed that I been chosen for this year quarter quell.... I hate it when I'm right.

۝༒༺𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀༻༒۝ Where stories live. Discover now