World Colliding Part 1

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**Hello there, Viper here and welcome to spin over and today adventure this through multiverse Enjoy and this story goes with 3 parts**


Our 3 agency Squidbreak Splatoon members Tyler, Rose, and Viper at Ammo Knights wait on Sheldon's new project he was making for himself in the afternoon. After 30 mins of waiting in the shop for Sheldon to come out and Viper opens his mouth.

Viper: How much longer until you finish Sheldon

Tyler: dude calm down he be out soon

Rose: I hope so

Then Sheldon come out and he was holding something that agents don't know and Tyler ask what it was

Tyler: hey Sheldon what are you holding there?

Sheldon looks at them and answers him

Sheldon: this is a new project called multiverse travel that can travel you to different parts of the multiverse

Tyler and Viper start to laugh about what Sheldon tells them and Rose was confused because she doesn't know what is a multiverse

Tyler: you kidding right Sheldon

Sheldon: I not kidding this universes travel work

Viper: oh really then show us

Rose: huh guys what are universes

Three of them: not now Rose

Sheldon: anyway no I not use it Agents 3 and 4

Tyler and Viper just smirk at him

Both boys: then is not real and your lie

Sheldon starts to get pissed over at them and puts the multiverse travel on the table

Sheldon: ok then if want to show it real then, I part you three in-universe then

Tyler: ok then but you have come with us too just in case it works

Sheldon: deal

Sheldon takes out the key and put in it the machine and turns it on, soon machine start to glow, and Tyler and Viper are shocked, and Rose looks at glow thing because why not and soon four of them start to float off ground a little, then out of nowhere the machine start to malfunction

Tyler: uhh Sheldon what go on

Sheldon: it malfunctions I can't stop it now

Viper: wait so it works for real

Sheldon: yes it does but I don't know if it malfunctions like this and can't fix it now

Soon room starts to shake and the glowing light turns into the lime green for some reason and multiverse Travel says something

Multiverse Travel: Pls sit tight so we go to different now

Rose: did that the machine just talk?

Sheldon: yes it does because it helps us tell where we go

Viper: Sheldon: shut the fu-

Then Multiverse travel started to move around the room make it glow more and soon The Machine hit Tyler, Rose, Viper, and Sheldon for some reason, and a few moments later after they get hit by the machine it stops and landed on the table the room stop shake and it stops glow too, Then Sheldon, Viper, Tyler, and Rose quickly hit on the ground.

Tyler land and quickly catch Rose

Tyler: hey near hit ground love

Rose just brush

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