chapter 7

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me,"happy new year roop welcome to 2018 i was standing in the balcony all dressed up and harry came put his arms around me and whispered in my ear happy new year my love .his breath kinda turned me on....omg harry you scared the hell out of me i wish you the same baby .

this is my first new year with me and i put my arms around his neck .

harry," yeah i am so excited about it the way you look damn hot ..

me," really?

harry," yeah ask my heart now all i wanna do is kiss every inch of your body and feel your lips .i wish i could take you somewhere where we can be alone.

me," (i blushed ,i can feel his breath his mouth was so close to mine all i wanna do i bite his lower lip) well you can't do that 'cause we have to be at your grandpa's house but we can kiss....

he pressed his lips towards mine .i could felt his cold tongue in my mouth .he said "I LOVE YOU" while we were kissing then i pushed him a little ... what did you just say??

harry,"ahmm nothing

me,"are you sure? 'cause heard something. did you just say you love me?

harry," noo i said i like you .

me,"really? but..

harry," no but lets go we are late..

me," oh!shit what the hell media is doing here?oh!come on i just don't want this please do something

harry,"i don't know how they find about this party? don't you worry about i'll take care of this..

me," i covered my face with my hair so, they can't click my pictures all the best i can do right now is do this ...
as we got out of the car , the reporters started asking questions to harry who is she harry? is she your new girlfriend? how long have you been dating? is she a model? .........but he ignored them but as he is harry he wished them happy new year.

harry," happy new year guys and love you all .i am really sorry roop i really didn't know that are gonna find out about this party.

me,"thats fine love its not your fault but please make sure print or telecast anything about me ..we entered his grandpa's house it was goregous but as we entered all people started whispering and staring at us and i heard some lady said look at hazza's new girl looks so beautiful....

harry," ooh! aunt eddie thanks ..and yeah she is my girl and"happy new year "everyone

me," it seemed like we are center of attention.i felt little weird .harry introduced me to his grandpa and father .

harry's father and granda," hello roop how are you ? and wish you happy new year, bless you.

me," hello i am fine and happy new year its very nice to meet you two.

grandpa,"thanks , you are such a beautiful lady. i doubt did you fall for him?..hahaha

harry's father," yeah dad i was about to ask that question.

harry," oh come guys .

me," hahaha well thanks grandpa.. can i call you grandpa

grandpa,"sure my child.

me,"no he is really nice person and i like your grandson sir.
then harry and his father went out to attend their me and his grandfather.he is really nice and cool.

grandpa," roop you seem really special to harry .he never brought a girl home before.

me," oh ! thats not true he invited me 'cause of new year its not a big deal.

grandpa," it's right he talked about you all day he is crazy about you.

me," i blushed ( i am so happy to hear about that i just wanna scream out loud that harry is crazy about me)and gave him a smile.
(they are so nice people but why? harry's mother is so mean to me may be 'cause of his girfriends idk thank god i can't see her here may be she is not here but harry said all his family is coming )..

then i heard from my behind hi roop .oh crap she is here .

grandpa,"well ladies will you excuse me ..

me,"(oh no no please don't go ..harry is not here too ,she is gonna kill me) hi maam i am fine and happy new year .

harry's mom," you too and please call me maam calle me anne.

me," okay( so evil ) she was with her friends.

harry's mom," hey friends meet my baby 's new toy or you can say his timepass..

me,"they all started laughing at me i felt so bad why is she doing this to me ? i stood still i have nothing to say to them..

harry'mom," she just want his money and wanna get famous.. thats your dream right haha

me,"thats it, no i don't want your son's money i like him not his damn money then i left crying ..harry heard everything and i heard he was saying....

harry," why did you do that mom?? why??.......

me,"i reached at the hotel and
locked myself i felt so bad this is the worst new year ever .i was crying like hell.

harry," open the door love please i wanna talk

me,"i opened the door and my eyes was red 'cause crying so hard..he hugged me

harry,"i am really sorry i don't why did she reacted like that? she never did that before..

me," she don't like me from the day first i met her .she said the same mean things to me ...please harry tell me am i that bad??

harry,"no you are not bad..

me,"then is she treating me like that.

harry," i am gonna ask her ..

me," no please don't leave stay here with me .i don't wanna be alone right now ........i fell asleep in his arms as
i woke i can't see harry but i found his note" love i have to go mum called me and she said its urgent.i'll call you later bye"..........what is so important she wanna talk about??.

I know its getting interesting but please vote and comment you all thnx for reading

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