The Holcrofts

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In 19 century England the family of mr.holcroft,his wife and five daughters live in a big country house.
[enter Elizabeth Holcroft walking through the garden]
J: Lizzy!-
A high pitched,excited voice came from a young girl,Elizabeth's youngest sister June.
E: What is it June?
J: You have not heard? The duke is coming to town to throw a ball.You have to persuade mama to let us attend! Oh you must lizzy!
You aught not let your little sister down so you nod and proceed into the messy home of the big family.
E: Mamá?
[enter Mrs.Holcroft sitting at the dinner table knitting]
Mrs.H: What is it Elizabeth,you know I'm extremely busy?
E: June had just told me that the duke has come to town and decided to throw a ball,I think it not rude to attend?
Mrs.H: hmm?,a ball you say?,and the duke?
E: yes ma'am
[enter penelope (Elizabeth's older sister),Abigail (the next youngest from Elizabeth),June and Sophia (the youngest siblings also twins) ]
P: I heard in town that there will be a ball tomorrow night,and that the duke had requested Fathers presence.
A: i agree to go as long as I can play the piano and sing for the duke himself
J: please mama,me and Sophia may be able to meet some of the soldiers and maybe court them.
Mrs.H: there will be no courting,yet we will go at the dukes request.
The twins give each other a look before they run to their room in order to search for evening wear.
You and Penelope also give each other a glance yet giggle at the sight of your younger sisters squirming over the soldiers.
E: I shall go tell father.
Mrs.Holcroft nods and walks off to the drawing room with Abigail and Penelope
[Elizabeth enters her fathers office]
E: Father?
Mr.H: yes lizzy?
E: your presence is requested by the duke at tomorrow nights ball.
Mr.Holcroft exchanges a glance at you for a moment.
Mr.H: do you want to go?
E: humour me,Father.
There's a small silence over the room..
Mr.H: alright.Tell Mrs.Holcroft to get everything prepared
E: yes father!
And just like that you were about to meet your fate.

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