Why Me!

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The teacher approached us and said in a weak voice, "This is the last descendant of the Minokawa".  Minokawa- a giant dragon-like bird but unlike other Minokawa this one strangely changes into a weird, gross fat hairy bird when frustrated and tends to eats humans. While at its true nature is said that it transform into a giant elegant golden dragon-like bird with enormous wings and with blinding aura. The teacher told that the creature has never once shown its true form of elegance after coming to the enclosure. 

Hearing our voices the man opened his eyes and looked around to see us in a crowd. The girl then came by his side and started flirting with the man. The man even though knows that she is all show off he just pretended he didn't know and played along. The girl offered him a drink and the man gulped it all at once. Suddenly the clock struck indicating the end of visiting time but unfortunately, no one noticed and continued discussing about the creature. 

I slowly moved and observed the creature. He was calm but ferocious. I noticed the gate slowly open and people on the other end of the field started moving close to the exit which was near the gate. I knew something was wrong and without a second thought I shouted " Ma'am why are the gates opening". The next moment  the man suddenly opened his eyes and looked around to see the people panicking. He then woke up swiftly and laughed out as loud as he can "Hahaha". The people started panicking at the loud voice and I told ma'am to take care of mom and sister when she opened her mouth to stop me. Quickly without the man noticing I ran to the people to help them get to a safe place. 

While I ran to the other side a bunch of soldiers started taking their positions on the command of the person in charge of the creature to the border of the shed where a white line was drawn. The man saw the soldiers marching and got more furious. The furious man jumped over the grill turning into the weird and gross man-eating creature. Within that time the people got to the safe place behind the group of soldiers crossing the white line, next to the exit door. I and another girl of my age were stuck behind the line while the creature turned to us. I thought since the creature is big going through the woods would be more safer to go through the line. I told the girl to run through the woods while I distracted the creature.

Like I planed the girl got through the line. While I was about to cross the line my foot hit a stone and I fell on the ground with a thud. The creature laughed and came flying, landed next to me making the dust on the ground fly, covering my face from the creature. When the dust resided, our eyes met and suddenly a shine on my eyes caught the creatures attention calming him making it breathe rather slowly and lose consciousness, turning it back into the human form. 

With a twisted ankle, I woke up and went next to the man, while the girl from the shed came running to his side. The man slowly started to wake and stand on his foot making me jerk back with fear that he might turn back into the creature. As I slowly moved backward the man suddenly opened his eyes to look at me. forgetting I had a twisted foot moving backward wasn't a clever idea which I realized when I was about to fall again. He came running like a bolt of lightning while growing bright golden yellow wings in his human form and caught hold of me and flew before I could blink my eyes I was being carried by the man on his back while he was growing into a full-sized dragon-like bird as he went out of sight from the people. I couldn't do anything other than think of jumping from the back of the dragon. I closed my eyes tightly and shouted to the creature many times " PUT ME DOWN!!! Where are you taking me!".

 As I was scared of heights slightly opening my eyes to look where he was heading I couldn't act and fell unconscious on the dragon. The dragon feeling my body lying on it, turned its head to look at me. Feeling terrible from his actions he flew down to the ground to a safe place where he thought no one could reach. Landing smoothly, covering its wings over me, like protecting from any harm, the dragon slowly turned back into the human with his golden wings carried me in his arms, and gently placed me under a tree. 

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