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The warmth in my body spreads around as Yoongi wraps his arm around my waist. He closes his eyes as his forehead touches mine. In his arms, I feel so safe, it feels like no one can hurt either Yoongi or me at this moment, not even my mother's own words. "I know we live in a time where the catholic church never will accept someone like me... But oh I do not care" Yoongi says in such a low whisper, like no one else but I am supposed to hear. The smile on my face rises just a bit "Neither do I..." I whisper as my hand rises up to his cheek...

The silence coming from both of us is calming. The sound of the birds and the small wind hits the trees around us. We just sit there by ourselves, with no one around us to disrupt the moment of peace. "Son?" My father's voice comes from a small distance, I lift my head from Yoongi's shoulder and yell back: "In the corner father" The sound of my father comes closer to the corner of the garden, and sure enough he comes around the corner his hands are folded behind him "Your aunty has invited our family over for dinner tonight. I believe she forgot to tell you" "When will they be here?" "3 hours maybe, do you want to stay here Yoongi? You and M/N can share a room if you wish to sleep over" Yoongi turns to me and I just nod "You choose" He nods and turns back to my father "I would love to stay sir" My father smiles and pats Yoongi on his shoulder.

My family arrives, and I still have not talked to my mother. Often when she is around me and Yoongi she will send a weird glance at us, maybe she thinks that we can not see it but it is truly annoying no going to lie. 

"We have another guest today? He is so handsome, welcome dear" My grandmother walks over to Yoongi, and greets him with a kiss on each cheek, Yoongi smiles and greets her back and thanks her for the compliment "It is wonderful to meet you ms." My grandmother laughs and pats his shoulder "What is your name dear?" They talk back and forth just as I stand by loving how my family shows love and respect to Yoongi. My grandfather walks over to me and brings me into a hug "So tall you have gotten M/N. You are becoming an adult now" I hug him back and laugh "Good to see you too grandfather, how are you? You seem to be getting younger each time I see you" My grandfather bursts out in laughter and shakes his head, my father comes up next to us "My grandson is getting more and more cheesy - what are you feeding him, my son?" My father smiles and responds: "Nothing father, nothing but respect and love..." 

The food is ready and together we all sit at the table, I sit at the sort side of the table with Yoongi on my left and my aunty on my right. We laugh as we tell story after story, and not even an hour later my aunty brings out a bottle of wine, my father lets out a few coughs "Let us not get too drunk M/N" The whole table laugh as I sink into my chair with a red face to cover with my hands "Father~ I can handle one glass, I am not light-weighted" My aunty pats my shoulder, and skinks me a glass of wine "Here my dear, would you like some Yoongi?" Yoongi nods "What kind of wine is it?" My aunty gives him the bottle "Ah it is Barolo! I love that wine" My family laughs at his comment. But the confusion of what Yoongi should do next is shown on his face, he holds the bottle as my aunty sits back down on her spot "What is wrong Yoongi?" He turns to me and rubs his forehead for a second "I just got confused for a second, the Korean and Italian culture just got mixed up in my head, I forgot where I was" I laugh and shake my head "Fair enough" Yoongi stands up, and asks everyone who wants some wine for him to pour it up for them.

"Korean culture?" My grandfather asks after Yoongi sits back down on his spot next to me "Yes sir, I am originally from South Korea" "Not to be rude son, but why are you not in South Korea?" I look at my grandfather as I want to tell him not to ask that question, but Yoongi beats me to it "I needed a new life, The Korean War in 1950 took my whole family away, so I came with some of my close family" I look at my grandmother whose face goes from a smile to a sad face "I am so sorry dear..." Yoongi shakes his head and smiles "It is fine ms. I got a new good life in beautiful Italy" Yoongi slowly turns to me and secretly holds my hand under the table "I got a better life than I had before" ... It feels nice to hold his hand, even if other people can not see it. 

The main meal disappears from the table and outcomes fresh-cut fruit on a big silver plate. We all sit there for a while as we continue to drink and talk, but my focus is somewhere else. My focus is on Yoongi, and his focus is on me. I have moved my chair even closer to him and my legs are across his lap, the weather has gotten a little bit chiller so my grandmother gave me and Yoongi a blanket "How about some music?" My wonderful grandmother suggests, so the radio gets turned up and soon the sound of music fills the house and where we sit outside. Time goes by and my family goes to be one by one as the night sky rises over us. My aunty helps my father inside and tells us to go to sleep soon.

The volume of the radio is low but high enough for us to hear "Can I have a dance?" Yoongi asks me as a slow song comes on the radio 

Woah, my love, my darling

"Of course," I say as he pulls me up from the chair and into his arms. His arms go around my waist as my arms follow up against his upper body and around his neck. 

I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time

"Your grandparents are wonderful," Yoongi says as the music plays, I grin and nod my head "I know, that is why I love them..." He smiles and pulls me even closer.

And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine? (...)

We stay like this throughout the song. I lift my head to make eye contact with him, he smiles even more than before "Would you... would you be mad if I... If I kissed you-" 

God speed your love to me

I let my lips meet his, as he tries to finish the question, I can tell that he is shaken by my action but quickly relaxes and kisses back. The feeling of kissing Yoongi makes my heart speed up, my body temperature rises as he pulls me even closer than before. 

Everything feels so right... 

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