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Maybe my dream meant something because just as Leonardo and I are in town for the last few hours before having to take the bus back to Rome, I run into Yoongi in the store where I buy my art supplies when I am back home. At first, I try to ignore him, but seeing him at every corner I turn in the store makes me want to run away because that seems to be the easier choice. I try to calm down and try to find the things I need instead of fooling around and wasting my time while Leonardo is waiting outside. I walk over to the shelves with oil paint my back faces the rest of the shop, I suddenly feel someone standing next to me. Me thinking that it is a random person I choose to ignore, but feeling the person looking at me I turn to look into their eyes, and there he is. There stands Yoongi...

His hair is half messy and half styled, it looks great. He is wearing a dark brown shirt with buttons, and his necklace is being shown off. Standing there in my thoughts as I admire how he looks, I do not realise that Yoongi is also staring at me. Snapping out of my thoughts I just turn back to the pain, take what I need and go to pay. I guess Yoongi does not realise that I am leaving, but as I am about to pay and put my things into my bag he quickly walks over to pay for his own things before I leave. 

I quickly step outside and see Leonardo talking on the phone near the post office. "M/N! Wait..." Yoongi runs over to me and grabs my arm, but I say nothing. Now I feel so ashamed that I am not continuing to walk away even with his hand on my arm. I wanted him to come and find me, but yet I do not want to talk to him. I feel like a hypocrite. "I... M/N can we talk?" I turn to look at Leonardo who is not done talking on the phone but his focus is on me, we lock eyes together and he smiles and gives me a wave that I send back. Yoongi rubs his thumb on my arm "Are you... Are you together with him?" I turn back to Yoongi and say: "Would you care if I was?" Words are bearly leaving his mouth "No- Yes- Yes I would..." I say nothing, I softly pull his hand off of my arm, and he opens his mouth to say something but I turn around to leave instead "I... M/N I do not know what to say... I am so sorry" I can hear his voice break a little, but I continue to walk away and towards Leonardo. I feel Yoongi stopping me from walking by hugging me from behind. His head is buried in my hair. "Please, do not leave... Not again..." And there we stand, in the middle of the street, the sound of water filling my ears and I begin to remind myself how he and I met by the water when I went with my aunty, and that he was sitting there all by himself. "I missed you so much-" I stopped him "Then why did not find me? Why did you not call me? Why did you not reach out to my father to help you figure out where I was?" He stays silent, but his arms around me tighten. I wait for him to say something "I thought you hated me...-" "That is a lie Yoongi, you know that. I loved you-" The sound of his voice breaking when he interrupts me "Loved? Do you not love me anymore?" He turns me around and looks into my eyes, my eyes are not watery like his "You broke me Yoongi. I was ready to take you back if you went looking for me, but you did not. Yes, I could have called you, but you wanted to break up, not me. It is your job to contact me if you wanted to talk because you are the one who wanted to break this off, again not me" He tries to cub my face with his shaky hands, but I move away from him letting his hands fall to his sides. 

"I am going back to school, I am going to the school of my dreams. I wanted you to be a part of my dream. But you wanted me to be with you only, you are selfish if you can not see whose fault it was that this ended the way it did" He steps closer and reaches out for my hand "What can I do to fix this? I miss you so much and I regret saying those things... I-" I stop him "You can fix this when you have reflected on how I have felt, until then... Let us not talk to each other" I turn around to leave again but get stopped, again. "And when I have reflected, how do I find you?"  He asks, I can hear how his voice is breaking over and over again "You will have to find out yourself. I am not going to give you the answer, you broke it off, you had to contact me, and I am standing by that. Goodbye Yoongi" I give him my hand a squeeze and then I let go so that I can leave the town with Leonardo. 

On the bus, Leonardo asks about Yoongi and how I feel at the moment. I tell him about it and he just rubs my shoulder and says: "Everything will work out, do not worry M/N I am here if you need me" I thank him and opens the bag for Love to jump onto my lap to take a nap. 

I hope Yoongi will reflect, and maybe one day will reach out... I really hope he will... I already miss the feeling of him cubbing my face with his hands and the feeling of his being close to my body... I miss it so damn much that I want to cry. 

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