Team Meeting

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We were in the clubroom after practice one day. I was sitting with my friend, Tadashi. The others were sitting on the other side of the room. And Sugawara and Daichi were at the front.

"Guys, it's important to be passionate about volleyball since you're in the volleyball club. You all are, and that's great." Daichi was saying. "But you all have to focus on your studies and your futures too. That actually should be your priorities."

"And what if we want to be volleyball players when we're older?" Kageyama asked calmly.

"Yeah! What if I want to beat Kageyama in volleyball when I'm older!" Hinata shouted.

The two glared at each other with their usual competive glares.

"We're on the same team, orange idiot." Kageyama spat.

"I can still beat you." Hinata said, sticking his tongue out.

Nishinoya cheered Hinata on, until Sugawara snapped, "Stop arguing and start listening to Daichi!"

Everyone straightened up.

Daichi then said, "It's good that you two want to keep playing volleyball, but you still need to focus on your education and have back up options."

"Yes, sir." Kageyama and Hinata said.

Daichi asked everyone what they wanted to do as a proffesion. We were at the age to be considering this after all.

Asahi wants to be a fashion designer. Nishinoya wants to work as a pilot. Ennoshita and Kinoshita wanted to be doctors. And Kazuhito wants to work as a gardener.

Even my best friend knows what he wants to do. He wants to work as part of a technology company.

It was now my turn to answer. If I'm honest I have no idea what I want to do as a job. Definetely not anything to do with volleyball though.

"I don't know." I replied bluntly when I was asked.

Everyone seemed shocked. I don't know why. What else were they expecting me to say?

"Really, Tsuki?" Tadashi asked me.

I looked away. "I don't know. I kind of don't care as well."

I didn't want to be here anymore. Everyone sounded so sure and confident on their future goals. Me? I was honestly confused and lost.

Sugawara then came up to me and tapped my shoulder. "It's ok, Tsukishima. I'll help you."

The meeting was over and Daichi told everyone to start heading home, which they did.

"I'll speak to you after practise tomorrow." Sugawara said kindly before leaving with the others.

"Bye." I said to him.

Tadashi and I then headed out and walked together until we made it to his house.

"I believe in you, Tsuki! You can do it!" He said in his usual cheerful voice, hitting me in I guess an encouraging way. "See you tomorrow."

"I'm sure I can." I replied, sounding more confident then I felt, before going my own way home. "Bye, Tadashi."

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