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In the morning, I woke up exhausted. I can't remember a single dream, even though I can remember my dreams being weird. As my alarm rang annoyingly though, I had no choice but to get up and stop it.

I got ready for morning practise and decided to skip breakfast. I've been skipping breakfast quite frequently these days. I don't know if it's hormones or school stress or whatever, but I just don't feel hungry in the mornings.

It's fine though. I manage.

I met Tadashi in our usual spot and we walked together.

"Morning, Tsuki. Have you had breakfast?" He asked nicely.

"Morning. Yeah, I had. Have you done the homework?" I asked, knowing that he tends to forget.

"Uhm, uhm, uhm," He thought out loud.

"The English and Math work." I stated to help him remember.

He stopped walking. "I'm so forgetful! Can I copy yours after practise."

I kept walking ahead without him because that's the kind of friend I am. "No."

"Please, please, please." He begged.

"Save your energy for solving the homework quickly rather than wasting it in a futile attempt at begging me." I advised, still ahead of Tadashi as he hurriedly tried to catch up to me.

"Aw, that's kind of mean and harsh."

Everyone thinks I'm mean. My family. My one friend. My teachers. And most of my classmates.

The only one I can think of who doesn't call me rude or mean is Sugawara. Maybe he thinks that I'm mean, but he definetely doesn't show it. He is an extremely supportive senior who's always there for us.

If if honest, he can sometimes be a little too caring and annoying, but it's better than being nothing in my opinion.

"Fine, I'll do the homework by myself. I definitely won't ask Kageyama or Hinata for help." He attempted to hide the truth, but failed.

Don't even try being sarcastic with me. If Oikawa Tooru is the great King of the court, then I am the great king of being sarcastic and unbothered.

"Yeah, those two are definetely in the same class as us, aren't they?" I replied with the same level of sarcasm.

"Damn it. I forgot that." He sighed.
How can you forget that you're not in the same class as two idiots?

I subtly stuck my tongue out at him as I entered the gym. Everyone was already there and had began practising. So, Tadashi and I joined in.

After practise was over, Sugawara came over to me.

"Hello, there." He greeted with his usual enthusiasm and energy.

"Hey, Sugawara san." I replied.

"Meet me here at Break time?" He asked.

"I guess that's ok." I responded. "And by the way, thank you for offering to help me. You didn't really have to, but you did." I said a bit awkwardly.

"No problem, Tsukishima. As your senior, I am delighted to help you out."

He's always filled with positivity. I wonder if it's from birth or if he's developed it over the cource of his life. I wouldn't know unless I asked. But I wouldn't ask. Not yet at least. And possibly never.

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