Chapter Six- Kids

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Chapter Six-


"Get your asses down here right now!" I shout up the stairs at my siblings.

Technically, I live alone.

Realistically, I'm a single parent to nine children. I get up at the ass crack of dawn, usually with a few of the kids in my bed, and come to the kitchen to start on breakfast. I make pancakes everyday, and they complain everyday. They eat though because it's either that or starve.

Today I only had to feed seven of them because Frankie, my fourteen year old brother, and Candace, my eighteen year old sister, both slept at my parents house despite the fact that my parents are never there.

Soon enough the kids start to file down the stairs holding their backpacks and grabbing their lunchboxes. First down the steps is my sister Lottie who is eight.

"Carter and Cameron broke my dollhouse while I was getting dressed." She whines as I give her a hug and kiss.

Carter and Cameron are the only set of identical twins out of ten kids. They're six.

"That's okay, baby. I'll have mommy and daddy buy you another one, okay?" I tell her.

She nods and hugs me tightly. Her hair is dirty blonde like mine, but her eyes are brown. Her skin is a bit more pale than mine too, but she's very adorable and certainly one of my favorite siblings.

She walks outside to go to the car just as the twins practically trample down the stairs. They have dark brown hair and blue eyes that appear brighter than mine.

They wear matching outfits every day and even talk the same. The only difference between the two is that Carter has freckles on his cheeks and Cameron doesn't.

I lean down and give them each a hug and a kiss. "When you get back from school, both of you are going to give one of your toys to your sister, got it. No arguing with me about it either."

They pout, and Carter even starts to cry, but Cameron pushes him out the front door while telling him not to be a baby.

"Here's the baby." Julian tells me, handing me our four year old sister.

Julian looks like our father. His hair is dark brown. His eyes are the exact same as mine, and his skin tone is the same as mine as well. He's only eleven.

"Meds." I tell him, watching him walk to the counter to pick up the tiny cup with his pills in it. He puts them all into his mouth and swallows before washing it down with a water bottle.

He doesn't bother to wait for a hug and kiss as he walks out of the house to get in the car.

Julian is autistic. You wouldn't really be able to tell just by looking at him or even interacting with him. His symptoms don't show much and most of the time he can control his more problematic symptoms when they do show.

The doctors did prescribe him medicine to help with his anxiety and irritability, and he takes pills at night to help him sleep as well. He doesn't like taking his medicine, but he doesn't argue with me about it anymore.

Though, if I don't remind him then he won't take it, and then I'll get a call from the school saying that he punched his classmate because they took his pencil. He's unpredictable when it comes to social things like school, but I have trouble disciplining him because I know it's not really his fault. He has it harder than all of us.

Carson is four. She's got blue eyes just like the twins but hair that's like mine. She's adorable, and very docile for a child. All of my other siblings used to cry for hours over nothing, but Carson hardly cries at all. She's great at listening and behaving as well. Sometimes I think she's an alien or something.

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