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As Ingressuss paced back and forth he then turned to face the table where he had some things (probably clues) to find out what had happened, "Ok so Achillean was found here" Ingressuss started pointing to the stop on the map where Achillean was found dead, "with no signs of transport and songs were gone his staff was left behind" Ingressuss said with a sigh as he looked over to the wall were Achillean's staff laid propped up against the wall the yellow glow shining in the dark, "but there are no signs of anyone who could have done it. Not one clue. Unless I missed something?" Ingressuss questioned then he heard noises and stepped outside and saw a Sandwing female flying in and greeting Queen Coral, "Queen Blister my friend I knew you'd want to come the minute we heard Ingressuss come" Coral started, "Well of course Id want to meet him in person" Blister said as she walked over to Ingressuss, "So nice to meet you I'm Queen Blister" Blister said with a smile as she shook Ingressuss's hand, "why don we all have breakfast together" Blister said and they all flew to have breakfast. And Ingressuss decided to follow just in case he missed any clues.

That morning Ingressus was still trying to figure out everything when Queen Coral spoke up, "You know we found something truly awful a few days back" Coral states, "oh what did you find?" Blister asked, "we found a dead Ardoni not too far from here" Coral starts and Blister looked shocked, "oh my now that is odd," Blister says, "yes and they were stabbed with Sandwing Venom" Coral said Sandwing Venom?! Ingressuss thought that's means I nor any non-sandwinds could have done it. So who did Ingressuss continued to think, "and he had a diamond staff," Coral said then a young Sandwing Male spoke up, "wait! Hang on that sounds like Achillean. Ingressuss what if it was Achillean!" the Male asked," Ingressuss is there something you need to say," Coral asked raising an eyebrow," yes it was Achillean. I'm sorry Quibli" Ingressuss said with a sigh and Quibli started to cry," your Sandwing seems distraught," Blister said with concern," Quibli saw Achillean as a father figure. And they did get along pretty well. I share your grief Quibli" Ingressuss continued," you're telling me you knew him, and you never said anything" Coral said with anger," I thought I should tell the KoA before telling you" Ingressuss protested, "Forgive him, Coral. It can be very shocking, to see the dead body of a person you know. Especially when you've  probably wanted to slash his throat once or twice yourself. Right, Ingressus?" Blister said slashing his throat! Coral never said that part! So how did Blister know! Calm down Ingressuss! Don't lash out immediately After breakfast Ingressus went bac to his cave and started the think about what Blister had said how did she know that and how was Achillean killes by Sandwing Venom. Ingressuss walked back and forth with his min spinnin with questions. But the one question that stayed in min was how did Blister Know that Achillean was slashed at the throat...

Sorry for the last post I've been busy. I'm going to see the new movie Top Gun today. I'm excited (՞՞)
See y'all later bye Otter Clan 🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦

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