Chapter 11

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I stand there, frozen. I can't move, can't speak, can't breathe. My heart is pounding. I slowly back away and start walking the opposite direction. I can still taste her vanilla lip balm. What. The. Fuck. Realization hits me like a tidal wave. Anya Brookes, my crush, just kissed me.
I break into a run and burst into Addie's house.
"She kissed me!!" I holler. Addie jumps up from her chair.
"I'm sorry.. what?!"
"Anya kissed me!!" I flop onto her couch and untie my sneakers. Addie sits next to me.
"She actually kissed you? Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"
"Well she did but he cheated on her so I let her dance with me, and we talked and laughed and stared at each other, and then I offered to walk her home, and then I gave her a piggy back ride because her feet hurt from her heels, and she said thank you, and then kissed me before going into her house." I take a deep breath. Addie stares at me, speechless. I smile and head upstairs to take a shower. I peel off my clothes and step into the scalding liquid. I rinse my body off as thoughts run through my head.
Does this mean we're dating? Is she my girlfriend? Are we still just friends? Does she even like me? I rinse the shampoo out of my hair and step out. I dry off and get in my pajamas. When I step out into Addie's room, she's already waiting with a board game. I sit criss cross on her bed and we play.
"So, you think this is gonna change things for better or for worse?" Addie says after she takes her turn.
"I'm hoping for the better but you never know. I don't know what I'm gonna do if things get bad." She gives me a pitiful look.
"I'm sure it'll be alright. I mean what's not to like about you?" She giggles and I shove her in the arm. Suddenly we're both laughing, shaking on our backs. I hold my sides and almost roll off her bed. When we finally calm down, we finish our game and turn on a horror movie. Our favorite thing to watch together. We both end up falling asleep. I'm not sure what time it was, but I was awoken by a buzz from my phone.
"Hey.... Can we talk?"

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