Chapter 20

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She pushes me off her bed and starts to set up.
"Um, ow!" I say, rubbing my back.
"Oh hush you're fine." She stacks the pillows into pillars and drapes a blanket over them. She places her laptop inside, along with other snacks and my art supplies. "All set!" She pulls me up and leads me to the fort. I crawl in and she crawls in after me, sitting on my lap. She opens a bag of chips and hands me one. I take it and devour it in one bite.
"Yes, I haven't eaten since this morning." She grabs the snack bowl and places it in front of us.
"Enjoy!" she pulls the paint and canvases closer, setting up everything.
"What movie do you wanna watch?" I say as I pull the laptop closer.
"Let's watch Luca."
"Oooo yeah." I start the movie and lean back, admiring Anya. She's hunched over, painting her canvas a bright yellow.
"I can feel you staring at me" she says with out looking. I laugh. I grab a canvas and start my own drawing.
"So how are your grades going?" Anya asks.
"Because of you, they are all A's." She looks up at me and smiles.
"Yay I'm so proud of you!" She leans over and gives me a hug. I hug her back. She goes back to her painting.
"It's hard to believe I kept a stable relationship for not one but two months." I say.
"Yeah me too, relationships don't last for me. To be honest I was scared it would be the same with this one, even if we are in l- uh what we are." She gives me a sheepish look.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. "We go back to our paintings. When she's not looking I put a dot of paint on her nose.
"Hey!" I laugh uncontrollably as she tries to get me back.
"Stop stop you're kneeling on my spine!" I say through my laughter. She leans over and puts paint on my nose.
"Karmas a bitch Alec." She smirks and goes back to the canvas. I wipe the paint off my nose and put it on the canvas. We finish our paintings. Anya pulls the nail polish out. "Dang Alec you have a lot of nail polish."
"Yeah I grabbed all of the ones I could find, for variety." She pulls out the white and blue.
"Hand!" I stick out my hand and she paints my nails.
She has on her mega concentration face and i can't help but laugh. "Hold still!" I straighten up and watch as she works. "Okay," she says admiring her work. "Done!"
I pull my hand away and look at my nails. She painted my thumb, index, middle, and pinkie blue, while the ring finger stands out with a vibrant white.
"It's beautiful I love them."
"Thank you! Can you do mine the opposite? I wanna match."
"Sure." I grab the nail polish and paint her
fingers, opposite of mine. When I finish, we
play a few games before leaning back and
turning on another movie. We talk for a while
before Anya starts to drift off.
"I love you." I kiss her forehead.
"I love you too."

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