Chapter 22

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"Alec... eat" Anya said holding out a fork full of of food. I reluctantly take a bite. She grabs my hand. "You're sick you need your energy." I had been sick all week. Anya, being the amazing girlfriend that she is came to take care of me. My parents had gone away for the weekend.
"You know, my parents aren't home... we have the whole place to ourselves.." I waggle my eyebrows jokingly and she shoves me in the arm.
"No, you're sick."
"But if I wasn't sick..?"
"Shut it." She pushes the bowl of food towards me and stands up, I pull her onto my lap. "Alec..."
"Stop you're being silly."
"No I'm being a boyfriend." She kisses me on the cheek.
"Best boyfriend ever maybe but still sick." I fake pout.
"Stoppppp" I pout harder. She pulls me into a kiss. "Now will you stop being a child and eat your food?"
"Fine." She stands up and starts washing the dishes. I finish my food in a matter of seconds. I quickly rush to her side and help her.
"Alec no you need rest."
"I'm fine."
"Whatever you say." We finish the dishes and head into the living room. I sit on the couch and pull her back onto my lap. I try to kiss her but she puts a hand to my lips. "Quit."
"Please." She blushes and gives in. She keeps kissing me repeatedly and I laugh.
"See, you wanted it too."
"Hush." I move down to her neck and she tenses up.
"Are you okay with this?" She nods. I continue. We go on for a few minutes before she stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me upstairs.
"How contagious would you say you are on a scale from one to ten?"
"Uh probably like three..?"
"Good," she says and pulls me into my room.

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