Chapter 2

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The history class passed by rather quickly and before Harry knew it, yet another Thursday had passed and he walked towards his locker alongside Niall. "I fucking hate history. I swear to God, if we have to do another test this term I will make sure to strangle Hodak. Slowly." Niall stated confidentially while unlocking his locker. "Good luck with that." Harry chuckled. "What? You don't think I would?" Niall gasped. "Niall, you couldn't even kill a spider. Or the wasp that nearly killed Calum. I'm sorry, but no, I don't think you would kill our teacher." Harry said while still chuckling. "I'll show you. I promise you!" Niall countered while running towards the bus. "Sure thing, I'll admit that I'm wrong when I see it" Harry rolled his eyes before he took off after his Irish friend. 

Friday passed just as quickly and nothing really happened so Harry got home and spent his Friday evening studying and watching Love, Victor. Around 7.30 Harry walked out to the kitchen and found a note from his mom saying she would be working late and that he and his sister Gemma could order pizza. But he knew for a fact Gemma was at her boyfriend's house so he did not even bother asking her what she wanted.  He ordered a chicken pizza with banana and peanuts. He figured he would be able to finish the current episode while waiting. 

The rest of the weekend went by quickly and Harry spent it by studying, watching various movies and series and practicing driving with his step-father Robin. On Monday he woke up at 6 am to get ready for school, still tired and not at all ready for English. He drank his tea, got dressed and made his bed before he walked into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After that he packed his school bag and put in his headphones while walking to the bus. He took a seat in the back and picked up his book. Before he knew it, he was once again back at school. 

"Hey Harry!" Liam greeted as they started walking towards their class. Niall had unfortunately failed English last year and therefore did not go to the same English as Harry and Liam. "Hi Liam! Have you finished the book yet?" Harry asked while giving him a short hug. "I haven't finished it yet, but I plan to do it today. What about you?" Liam looked nervous, he was almost as strict with his grade as Harry, the difference was that while Harry did not know what he wanted to do after school, Liam knew he wanted to become a doctor. Meaning he pretty much had to get A in every subject to get into university. He was also struggling more than Harry, but they rarely spoke about that. "No, I haven't finished it either. I tried on the bus but I have a few chapters left." Harry shrugged. "Okay, great." Liam visibly relaxed at that information. "After English I need to run because I have a short break, but you and Niall will meet me at lunch, right?" Liam changed the subject. "Of course. I'll text you." Harry said just as they arrived in their classroom. 

After English Harry went to meet up with his cousin Lucy in the library while waiting for Niall to arrive. It was their usual Monday schedule. "Hey Harry!" Lucy greeted him when he arrived. "I need your feedback, should I wear a dress or a jumpsuit at my graduation?" Lucy asked excitedly. "Hmm, let me see." Harry said, taking the seat next to his cousin and looking at the screen. "I think the dress is more you. But I like the jumpsuit as well. The jumpsuit might be better for the parties, no risk the skirt is flying." Harry explained. "You're right. Thank you." Lucy said, adding them both to her shopping cart. "I cannot believe you are graduating this year. That feels sick. And Gemma too? How is it possible?" Harry asked in disbelief. "Well, young Harold. You graduate next year, so you better believe it." Lucy teased. "Don't remind me. I'm not ready to become an adult." Harry sighed. "You will become an adult in about 8 months. You better get ready!" Lucy said. "Well, at least Niall is first." Harry shrugged. "I'm first with what?" The Irish lad asked as he sat down on the opposite side of the table. "Turning eighteen" Lucy explained. "Oh right. Shit I turn eighteen this September. Fuck." Niall exclaimed. "Better get used to it. At least you can drive a car." Lucy said. "I am already doing that though" Niall said. "Legally." Harry added. "Oh come on, it's funnier to break the law." Niall reasoned. 

The rest of the day followed by 80 minutes of math with Peter, which caused Harry great distress since math was the other subject he did not seem to understand, lunch with Liam and Niall, Philosophy and then psychology. At 2.55 pm the psychology class ended and Harry hurried to his locker to get his stuff before the meeting with the sports committee started at 3 pm. He met up with Julie, another adult in the sports committee, who also happened to be the organizer of Sunset High's LGBTQIA+ Organisation, also known as the Rainbow Club. "Hey Julie!" Harry greeted when he saw her. "Hello Harry! Are you coming to the meeting today?" She asked. "Yes, I'm on my way. You are coming as well, right?" Harry asked. "Yes, I just need to get a cup of coffee. Do you want some?" Julie asked. "No thank you. I will head to the meeting in the meantime." Harry told her. "Sure, I just, do you have time this week to discuss the rainbow club?" Julie asked. "Yeah, I think I have time after English on Thursday. Is that okay?" Harry suggested. "What time does your English class end?" She asked. "Nine thirty" Harry clarified. "Sounds good. Go to the meeting, we're in 005. Please tell them I'll be a little late." Julie said before walking into the staff room. 

Harry walked to 005 and opened the door. He was greeted by Stan, Liam's crush, Joe and two other girls Harry could not remember the names of. "Hello everyone!" Harry said before he took his seat. "Hello Harry! Welcome!" Joe said, fixing the last technical things for today's meeting. "Do you know where Julie is?" Joe asked. "Yeah she said she would be a few minutes late. I think we can start though." Harry explained. "Okay. So, the first thing we need to discuss is, what we want to achieve. The second one is how we get members and the third is how much and where they pay." Joe explained. All the students nodded while bringing out their computers or notebooks. One of the girls Harry did not recognize, a girl with brown eyes and blue hair raised her hand. "Yes, Alex go ahead." Joe said while leaning back in his chair. "I would like to start a self defense club, if that's alright?" The girl, or Alex, said. "Okay, that should be possible." Joe nodded. "I would like to start basketball. We could do it outside, at least at the beginning of the next term." The other girl said and Joe nodded approvingly. "That sounds good. I was thinking about starting an E-sport team, so students who want to come can play different games." Joe explained. "Please let it be FIFA!" Stan shouted, causing Harry to roll his eyes. Seriously, who is this dude? "Among other games yes." Joe said before he turned towards Zayn. "Did I understand it correctly, that you and Stan want to start another football team?" Joe asked. "Exactly." Zayn said. "Our school team is full, but a lot of people seem to be into trying it out. I figured why not give them that chance?" Zayn explained, while Stan nodded along. 

"Okay, seems like a good plan. Harry, you and Julie were thinking about expanding the rainbow club next year, right?" Joe asked just as Julie walked into the room. Harry cleared his throat before he nodded and spoke. "Yeah, we were thinking about making the club more visible for the new students, and old students who might not have heard about us before. We are also working against the increased homophobia at this school. We are currently working on an exhibition for IDAHOT the 17th of may together with the UN union." Harry explained, still not feeling entirely comfortable discussing such matters with strangers. "What's IDAHOT?" Stan asked. "International day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. It is celebrated the 17th of may because that was the day UN decided to no longer classify homosexuality as a sickness." Harry explained. "But that isn't sports, is it?" Alex asked. "No, but it's important." Harry said. "Can I say, that as a bisexual, I agree with Harry." Zayn said, making Harry question his hearing. Zayn Malik, bi? Really?

The rest of the meeting was kind of a blur to Harry, he could not focus on anything other than his internal battle. Zayn is bi, which means that Liam actually has a chance. But then again, Harry should not tell Liam, what if Zayn is not out of the closet? He was still wondering what he should do when the meeting ended and he packed his things. When he walked out of the room he did not look around and he accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry." He said while reaching out his hand. "No problem" An annoying voice answered as a hand grabbed Harry's. It was none other than the 25 000 dude. 

Hey everyone. I am nice and gave you a chapter again. If you excuse me, I need to study psychology now. Please do it for me? Anyway, I lied as usual. I remember this book tho and I know how it will end. Just know that Louis will be a Dick at first, so in next chapter... let's just say I actually look forward to write it.

Now I need to go to bed though!

Take care, love you all.

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