Chapter 3

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It was Monday and Harry was waiting for his match class to finish. He was excited because after math he was going to the meeting with the Rainbow club and he needed that. Being part of the reason people felt safe was good. It felt nice and Harry wished he had had someone like that when he was outed. Him getting outed was part of the reason the rainbow club had started, the other reason was the hate letters that had been sent out late last year. So, even if Harry definitely was no happy about getting outed, he guessed something good came out of it at the very least. Multiple people had written to the anonymous questionnaire the rainbow club had created, and despite far from everyone being nice, Harryfelt good being able to give out advice.

This time, the meeting would be a little different than usual though. Today, anyone was welcome to ask questions directly to the members, and to say Harry wasn't nervous would be a lie. He knew from experiene that not everyone was kind and he was scared of who might show up. Harry, Niall and Liam had heard people talk about it during the day, and although most people seemed indifferent about it, they had heard the football players talk about how they wanted to go, something Harry was not necessarily looking forward too. Especially not after the weekend's encounter with the one and only "Mr 25 000".

Harry had gone to a bar with Gemma and Lucy, which was fun. But since Harry was not 18, he ordered a virgin Mojito, which none other than Mr 25 000 had heard, much to Harry's dismay. "Well well well, who do we have here?" Louis has taunted, and Harry had tried to ignore him. He really had. "Is the virgin ordering a virgin drink?" Louis had asked with an annoying smirk, causing Harry to exhale and count to ten in his head. "I guess it is fitting." He had continued, while Lucy and Gemma gave Harry questioning looks. "I'm 17." Harry had explained, trying to keep his cool.  "Really?" Louis asked. "Really." Harry confirmed. "You look like you are 13. If you didn't goto my school, I would have guessed you were 13." Louis said, causing Harry to get frustrated. "Okay. Why are you talking to me?" Harry asked, just waiting to be left alone again. "What? Is it illegal to talk now?" Louis asked, baffled. "No, I guess not. I just don't understand why you want to talk to me. Like, we have noting in common." Harry stated, matter of factly. "Really? And what makes you think that?" Louis pressed. "Well, because you are an annoying self-absorbed prick with no goals in life except for a sport that's way too mainstream its own good." Harry stated, smiling at Louis. "Oh, and you are soon much better, right? You pretend to be such a perfect person, but I know it's just a facade. Watch it, Styles." Louis said before he stormed away. "What a prick!" Harry said. "Well.... you were kind off a prick as well." Lucy said. "How so?  Harry asked, confused. "Well, you just judged him, when you don't even know him." Gemma explained. " Well, I know his type. They suck." Harry stated, finishing his drink.

He was not looking forward to seeing Louis again, that was sure. He tried to not think about it, he wasn't sure Mr 25 000 would be there. Besides, if he did show up, Harry could always just ignore him.

Before Harry knew it, it was time to pack his bag for the day. Harry sighed, he had only managed to do 4 exercises this class. He knew he would need to do better if he wanted to keep his GPA. Math was one of his worst subjects, but he had already failed too many tests this year. If he kept this up, he would need to retake math next year and he was really not looking forward to that. But on the other hand, no matter how much he studied, it didn't help. He just didn't understand it. It was frustrating, because Harry had never failed a test before. Never. He felt like a failure. So much so that he hadn't even told his mom or Gemma how bad it was getting. He just hoped that he would be able to get help, and that soon.

"Harry, do you have time to stay after class?" His math teacher, Robert, had asked. Technically speaking, Harry did not have time. He was supposed to go straight to the classroom and set up the flags and everything for today's meeting, but he also knew this was most likely about his grade. So he shrugged. "I guess, but please make it quick." He said. "Okay sure. On Wednesday a few students from the local college will get here and organise help with math. I suggest that you go. A few third graders will also be there, most of them are also studying, but don't hesitate to ask for help. They will gladly provide you with explanations." Robert smiled. "Okay sure thing. I'll think about it. Thanks. Bye!" Harry said, collecting his stuff before quickly leaving the classroom.

When Harry went to the classroom where the rainbow club was supposed to meet up, he found that most people were already there. The place was already decorated and Harry felt relieved that he didn't have to stress to make it look good. "Hey! What did Robert want?" Niall asked. "Eh, just told me I can attend math help on Wednesdays after school." Harry explained. "Will you go?" Liam asked. "I guess so. I really need to improve my grades unless I want to do this again next year." Harry shrugged, even though he definitely wasn't looking forward to it. "It will be good. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you will just have to tell Robert you won't attend any more classes." Niall said, to which Harry smiled. "True."

When the three had taken their seats, they waited. Usually, they were a few more members. But considering the type of questions this day could bring, it wasn't much of a surprise not that many peo5showed up. Technically, Niall wasn't even part of the rainbow club, he mostly joined because of the free coffee, but for today, that was fine. Harry and Liam could use the support. "So, Liam, any news on Z-A-Y-N?" Niall asked, "Shut up Niall! People will know who you are talking about!" Liam protested. "Sorry sorry, but any news?" Niall asked. "Well... I heard they have a game tomorrow. And I kinda wanna go. Will you two PLEASE go with me? Please?" Liam asked, giving them his puppy eyes. Those really wasn't fair. "I guess." Niall said. "Do I have to?" Harry asked, "yes" Liam and Niall answered in unison. "Okay fine." Harry sighed. "Yay! Thank you both!" Liam said.

Before long, three people Harry didn't really want to see showed up. Those being Zayn, Stan and Mr 25 000. "Hi!" Zayn said, causing Liam to blush. "Hi, can we help you?" Harry asked. "Yeah" Zayn started, but got interrupted by Stan. "Are you all fags?" He asked. "Don't use that word. And no." Niall said. "What are you then?" Stan asked. "I am bi." Liam said, while swallowing hard. "And I am gay." Harry said. "I think I'm straight but I'm not sure. My ex partner came out as a non-binary lesbian so I don't really know where that leaves me." Niall shrugged. "Oh that fat bitch with blue hair?" Stan chuckled. "Don't call them that for fuck's sake!" Niall said. "They actually proposed to Niall in third grade. It was cute!" Liam cut in. "Well, not that cute considering they obviously thought you were a chick." Louis snickered. Niall just rolled his eyes. "I have a question for you, Styles." Louis said.  "Oh? Let me hear." He said. "Do you hate women?" Louis asked and Harry burst out laughing. "No? Why'd you ask?" Harry asked. "Well, because you are attracted to men?" Louis said. "Well, do you hate men?" Harry asked. "No?" Louis said. "Exactly." Harry stated. Gosh, when did homophobic people get so stupid? "Well, eh, how did you know?" Louis asked instead. "What?" Harry asked. "Like, that you like dick. How did you know?" Louis asked. "I am not sure. I tried kissing girls and ot did nothing. Then I kissed a boy and I liked it." Harry explained. "Simple as that?" Louis asked, "Yeah, simple as that." Harry confirmed. "Okay, good to know I guess, thanks." Louis said. "Okay let's go, I don't want these faggots to rub off on us." Stan said, dragging Louis out of the room. Zayn shook his head and stayed a little longer, waiting for the door to close behind Stan and Louis before he spoke up. "Sorry about that guys, I wanted to come here alone but I couldn't find a good enough excuse. Anyway, I am like actually bi and I just want to say sorry for how my so called friends behaved. I'll talk to them. Anyways, nice too met you. See you around?" He said before walking out of the room, but not before sending Liam a rather obvious wink.

"Oh my god I think I just died and got born again." Liam exclaimed. "Zayn is bi. Like actually bi. Like. I might have a shot. Fuck me!?!" Liam rambeled. "I'll leave that to Zayn" Niall said, making both Harry and Liam laugh.

Author's Notes:
HEY! New chapter, wohoo! And to everybody's great surprise, Niall's ex is based on me. And yes, I did propose to him in third class. I did not get a reply and that is still the biggest heartbreak of my life. Even more than my ex tbh. Niall is rude but I still love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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