Chapter 2: Incorrect quotes

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Slight NSFW humor ahead

Alpha: *Driving down the highway*

Policeman: *Pulls her over*

Policeman: Are you high?

Alpha, high as fuck: Am I what?

Policeman: High

Alpha: *Brain freezes*

Alpha: Hello!




Mily: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.

Mily: And I started thinking.

Mily: Like, it was just trying to get food.

Mily: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?

Usalina: Are you ok pyon?


Mily: How would you like your pancakes?

Omega: Plain.

Vivi: With sprinkles!

Bella: Chocolate chips.

Alpha: Potatoes.

*Omega, Vivi, and Bella look at Alpha*

Alpha: What? They're good.


Vivi: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Alpha: Maybe a bit tipsy?

Mily: Drunk.

Lado: Wasted.

Blanche: Dead.


*the TV is freaking out*

Blanche: Don't worry, you have to treat an electronic like you treat a patient on life support.

*unplugs the TV, then plugs it back in again. nothing changes*

Blanche: Yeah, that didn't work with my grandma either.


Mily: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.

Bella: Screw that, I'm not kissing any of you.

*Blanche walks in*

Bella: Fine, I'll do it. Rules are rules you know.


Vivi: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.

Vivi: I need my yaoi manga.


Bella: Did you buy eggs like I asked?

Yuni: Even better!

Bella: What the fuck did you-

Yuni: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy.


Blanche: How do you do that?

Alpha: I'm fearless.

Usalina: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad pyon.

Alpha: I'm mostly fearless.


Lado: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!

Alpha: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.

Lado: Stop.


Vivi: She made Mily cry!

Usalina: Mily always cries pyon!

Mily: That's not true! *cries*


*Club Gacha is on fire, but they don't know it*

Bella: Damn, it's hot in here.

Blanche: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!


Bella: First of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is.

Blanche: What?

Bella: Second of all, we need to get the fuck out of here, NOW.


Mily: What are you in the mood for?

Vivi: World domination.

Mily: That's a bit ambitious.

Vivi: You are my world.

Mily: Aww...




Mily: OH.


Vivi: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things.

Mily, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too.

Omega: Wow, Vivi was late too! What a coincidence!


Omega: So, what is Alpha to you?

Bella: The reason I wake up every morning.

Omega: ...That's adorable.

Alpha earlier that morning, barging into Bella′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!


Blanche: That's not funny.

Alpha: I thought it was funny.

Blanche: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Reddit.

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