Chapter 5.

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Izzy POV

We were in the Trampoline Room jumping around. By we I mean Anna, Kayla, Grayson, Lucas, Jake, Brent, Chris and Crawford. Chris and Crawford are Vampires too. We were having fun when I got a phone call..

??: Hello Is This Isabelle Gonzales?
Me: yeah?
??: Hello my name is Bart, manager of Magcon and I was wondering if you would like to join the Magcon tour with Grayson, Lucas, Jake, Anna and Kayla Gonzales?
Me: hold on, I gotta ask them..

I mind message them
Izzy: Hey! I got a call from a guy named Bart, and he wants us to Join this Magcon Tour, wanna go?
Grayson: sure.
Jake: guess so.

Me: Sure! We would like to come!
Bart: Great! We got other guests coming to! Brent Rivera, Chris Collins and Crawford Collins! The first stop is Dallas, Texas! I will send you your passports!
Me: great! Bye!

I hang up. "so! Brent! Chris! Crawford! I heard you're going to Magcon?" I ask.
"Yep! We were special guests but Bart called us and now we are officially apart of the Magcon Family." Brent Answers. "So are you guys!" Chris says pointing to me and my brothers and sisters. "so are you guys packed?" Grayson asks. "yup!" Crawford says. "we still got to pack, How bout you guys get your bags and sleep here? Just sleep in the guest rooms." Anna asks.
"Sure!" Chris answers for them. They vampire speed to they're house. "so... We gotta go pack.." Lucas says. "
"Yeah, They said that they already paid and they are sending us the passports." I say. "Alright, So they we gotta go pack now." Kayla says. "okay." We say unison. We run off to our rooms. I pack Skinny jeans, Skirts, Shorts, Tank Tops, A few jackets, shoes, Shirts, Snapbacks, beanies, Dresses, crop tops and make-up. When I finished I went into the game room. I see Grayson, Lucas, Jake, Brent, Chris and Crawford playing games. I go look for Anna and Kayla. I mind message them.

Izzy: Hey! Where are you!
Anna: In my room.
Kayla: The boys were to busy playing games.
Izzy: haha, okay I'm coming.

I walk into Anna's Room and I see them talking on her bed. "Hey!" I say. "hey!" Anna said. "So, I'm hungry, I wanna go hunting." Kayla says. "Just us
Or do you want the boys to come?" I ask. "Ask them for yet want to come." Kayla answers. "okay, I'm gonna mind message them because I'm to lazy to walk over them." I said. they chuckle.

Izzy: Hey! Kayla wants to go hunting! Wanna come?
Grayson: hell yeah!
Lucas: sure, I'm hungry.
Jake: Yeah! I'm coming.
Brent: mmhmm.
Chris: I'm hungry! So I'm coming.
Crawford: everyone is going so I'm coming, its scary here alone.

I chuckle at Crawford's answer. "yeah, they wanna go." I said. "okay, I'm craving Deer." Kayla says."ahh, I remember our first deer, Kayla couldn't stop." Anna says. "HAHAHAHA!" I laugh. "shut up! I was hungry!" Kayla says."whatever, lets go." I say getting up and walking out the door. Anna and Kayla catches up with me. We walk to the living room and see that The boys are getting ready. "okay, are you guys ready?" I ask. they nod. "okay, let's go." Kayla says. we head out the back door to the woods. "okay, get 1 deer and message us when you're done." Anna says. "okay, 1..2...3 GO!" Kayla yells. we vampire speed into the woods. I run around first and I already see a deer. Score. I wait for awhile. than..... I attacked. I bite the neck and wait for it to die. I than drink the blood.

*30 minutes later*

Izzy: Are you guys done?
Anna: I am.
Kayla: same.
Lucas: yeah.
Grayson: done.
Jake: Yep.
Brent: Yeah.
Chris: I am.
Izzy: what about you Crawford?
Chris: Crawford?
Crawford: Now I'm done.
Kayla: okay. Let's meet back at the house.

I vampire speed back to the house. I'm the first one there.
*5 minutes later*
They are finally here. "Finally!" I say. "hey! I was almost at out of the city!" The boys say. okay, That was creepy.
"Whatever, lets go inside." I say waking in the door. i see that my parents are home. "oh hey! Mom, Dad!" I say. the rest comes inside. "hey kids." my dad says. "where did you guys go?" My mom asks. "Hunting." the boys say unison. my mom and dad nod. " oh yeah. Mom, Dad, we go invited to this Tour called Magcon and we are going." Grayson says. "have fun.okay?" My mom says. "Okay, we're going to go make a video." I say. They nod. Me and the others go into my room. "Okay, Should we do a q&a?" Kayla asks. we nod. "I'll tweet it!" Me and Brent says unison. I get out my phone and tweet.

Hey, I'm doing a Q&A with my sisters and brothers, With special guests! Ask us questions!

"Done." Me and Brent says. "Okay, Izzy we are doing the video on your channel." Grayson says. I nod.
I'm going to do the intro than My brothers and sisters are going to introduce themselves than Brent, Chris and Crawford are going to come in.
"What's up guys! Izzy here! With!" I start. "Kayla!" "Anna!" "Grayson!" "Luke!" "And Jake!" they say. "So, we got some friends here with us today!" I say. "They're our best friends," Anna says. "You guys may know them!" Jake says. "Please welcome!" Grayson starts. "Chris Collins! " Anna says. "Crawford Collins!" Lucas says. "and! Brent Rivera!" I say. They pop next to us. Brent next to me, Chris next to Jake and Crawford next to Kayla. "Today we are going to answer questions from you guys!" I say. "okay first question, How long have you known each other?" I read. "well! Me Crawford and Brent were at Taco Bell, I guess They were there and Brent bump into Izzy and they started talking." Chris says. "She invited me to meet her sisters and brothers but I told her I was with Chris and Crawford she invited them too!" Brent says. "okay, next question! Who is your OTP?" Anna reads. "BRENT AND IZZY!" Everyone shouts but me and Brent. "We are not dating!" I say blushing, "Yeah, We're just best friends!" Brent says." You guys sure act like a couple!" Anna says. "Next question!" Me and Brent shouts blushing.
*After Video*
"Thanks for Embarrassing us!" Me and Brent says. "No problem." they say. I roll my eyes. "okay, get out i Need to edit." They go out but Brent I don't mind. "So mind if I sleep in your room tonight?" Brent asks "nah, Go ahead you always sleep in here anyways." I say smiling. He sits next to me on the bed. "Do you think any of them are going to find out we're vampires?" I ask. "Probably, but if they do it's going to be a problem because of Aro, He could kill them since he's not really our friend." Brent answers. "yeah, But if we do we gotta protect them or change them." I said. He nods. I check the clock, it says 10:35. I finish editing and upload it. "Get ready for so much more followers" I say. I put my laptop on my
Night stand. I turn off the lights. I lay down and Brent does too. He wraps his arm around me. "Night Beautiful." He says. "Night" I say and close my eyes and blackness takes over me.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile.

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