Meet the Judges

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Heelllo! The Pride Awards are being judged by the three bestest fruits on Wattpad! Namely, the strawberry, the avocado, and the potato (yes I know potato isn't technically a fruit, don't @ me!)

We are all part of the awesome Rainbow Bookclub Community (more info on that in the next chapter!) and we are here to hype up all YOUR amazing queer stories🌈

Below are some introductions to the judges so that you can get to know them a little better, as well as the book each judge has chosen that they would like you to read.

As mentioned in the rules, we require all contestants to read three chapters of their judges story, as a little sign of appreciation for all the work that they are putting in. Please leave a minimum of one comment per chapter to show that it's been read, and note that this should be a meaningful, thoughtful comment and not just an emoji!

Without any further ado, here are our judges!


@itsmeimthevampire (they/them)
AKA the Avocado 🥑
Judging: Romance
Book: Idiots to Lovers

Hiya! I'm Jamie but everyone calls me avocado. I run the Rainbow Bookclub community and I'm your host for these awards. I also run a queer writing server on discord, but more info on that in the next chapter!

Anyway, a little bit about me! I am utterly obsessed with My Chemical Romance. I make way too many Spotify playlists for all my books. I'm not-so-secretly a vampire, but don't worry I only drink choccy milk! I'm also a big sucker for queer romance, and I can't wait to read all your amazing books.

I started this community a year ago because I wanted to create a safe, inclusive space where queer voices are heard and recognized. I'm glad to say I have met so so many amazing authors who have become some of my closest friends, and I am very much looking forward to now getting to know all of you participating in The Pride Awards 2023. 🌈❤️


clownceo (they/them)
AKA the Potato 🥔
Judging: Fantasy/Paranormal
Book: Eat The Poor

Hey, it's Potato! I'm a college student who found their love of crafting stories during the 2020 pandemic. I have loved fantasy books and getting lost in other worlds all my life; my favorite hobby as a child was always reading. As a result, I have enjoyed many delightful books over the years.

As a queer person, I gravitate towards books that include representation of the queer community. Most of my all-time favorite books have queer main or supporting characters.

Besides books, my other favorite things include cooking, animals (mostly cats), taking long drives in the countryside, and hanging out with my friends.


pixelmum (she/they)
AKA the Strawberry 🍓
Judging: SciFi/Mystery/Other
Book: Golden Apples or Something Wicked

Hello! Pixelmum here! I'm a multi-genre writer, 2022 Ambys Winner and 2022 Wattpad Pride Grand Winner. My books span science fiction, action and mystery, and always feature diverse characters getting things done (with big worldbuilding, big plot twists and big queer panic).

I love being in the Rainbow Bookclub where I can read amazing books in a chill safe space!

I also love animals, especially the gross ones that everyone else hates, like wasps and children.


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