Talking with Peter

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I get up out of bed after failing to sleep for the past three hours. I get up out of bed and look at the time. "Hey Fri, is there anyone else up at this time?" 

"Yes. Peter is up in his room currently." She says and I stretch before making my way towards the door. 

"Where is his room at?" 

"Two doors down to the left of yours on the other side." She says and I nod. I walk out of the Stephens room and go over to Peter's room and knock on the door. 

"Peter." I make sure to keep my voice down as to not wake the others, and I hear the walking. The door opens and Peter is hiding in the darkness of his room. I can still see him standing there and I hold out a hand to him. "Can I ask why you're awake?" 

"I had an anxiety attack from a nightmare I just had." He says and I lean agains the door frame. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"I don't want to bother you." Peter says and I sigh. 

"You are so much like Stephen. Kid you aren't going to bother me, if at all I'm bothering you." He laughs and steps aside and opens the door more.

"Come on in." Peter says and I walk inside. "I can get the lights just give me a second." He says and I turn the lights on for him. "Thanks." He says and I nod. 

"So why didn't you ask for help?" 

"I didn't want to wake up Iron dad or Doctor dad." He says and I chuckle at this. 

"So my brother is a father now?" Peter freezes and goes red in the face. 

"Don't tell them I said that please?" He asks and I nod before walking over to his desk and pulling out the chair and sitting down.

"It's fine. I can tell you that they both see you as a son." He sits down on his bed and looks down at the floor. "What's on your mind kid?" 

"In my nightmare everyone turns against me and they constantly yell at me and blame me for their deaths or that they wish that they had never met me because I'm such a mistake and burden to them." Peter says and I walk over and sit by him. 

"Peter I need you to listen to me. None of that is true and you must understand that everyone here loves you and that anyone who is blaming you for their deaths is just your self doubt. They don't blame you for your deaths and you may not believe me but I hope that you do. I'm always going to be up if you ever want to talk about things like this again and I'm willing to listen to you when you need me to." 

"Alright." Peter says and I nod. We stay up talking for a while until he starts to fall asleep. Lucky for him it's Saturday tomorrow or otherwise I wouldn't send him to school. I stay there with him since he's fallen sleep on my shoulder, and I don't want him to end up with another nightmare and wake up again alone.

11:30 A.M.


I wake up and see Y/N staring out my windows. I yawn and he looks over and nods before going back to looking outside. I get up and stretch before going over to my bathroom. I splash some water on my face and then walk out and go to my closet to find something to wear for the day. 

When I walk out of my closet after changing I don't see Y/N anywhere. I leave my room and go to the kitchen to try and find him and thank him for helping me calm down from my nightmare and anxiety attack from last night and then staying to make sure I didn't have another one and repeat the process. 

I see him in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hand as Nat talks with him about something that happened after she got out from Hydra. I walk over and they both look at me. "Y/N you didn't give me the chance to thank you this morning so I'm saying it now." 

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