A cure for the siblings

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A week later


Peter's leg is healed but we're keeping him out of school to make it seem like a normal healing time for his leg. We've all been working overtime on trying to find a cure to Y/N and I. "I think I found it!" Peter says and runs over to me.

Tony and Y/N come over and look at what he fond. "Pete you're a genius!" Tony say and hugs Peter tightly. I look at Y/N and see him looking at the information with a blank expression. 

"Y/N are you okay?" 

"Something is going to go wrong if you take the first one." Y/N says.

"What do you mean?" Tony asks.

"I can't explain it but something tells me that this is going to go wrong with the first one if you take it." Y/N say and I look at him confused. 

"Y/N you know more than what you're telling us." 

"Take the second one that Peter found, I'll take the first one." He says and I look at him skeptically. 

"And if I don't?" 

"Do you really want to take that risk?" He asks and I shake my head. "That's what I thought." He says and we all get to work on getting them made. Y/N is talking with Peter while we work and he seems to be very protective of him.

"Your brother is protective of Peter." Tony says and I nod. 

"I know. I think that it's because he feels regret for not being there for Donna when she drowned or when Victor was hit by a car. I wants a chance to protect someone like that to make up for what he couldn't do in the past." 

Tony nods and looks over at Peter and smiles. "He should go back to May's soon. I'm sure that she misses him." He says and I nod.

"Yes but he seems to freeze up whenever she's mentioned and Y/N doses't want him to go to her apartment. I don't know why but that's all that I know." 

"Odd." He says and I nod. 

"Y/N, Peter, are you guys ready?" 

"Yup." They both say and walk over and we combine what we need. I take the second deal for the cure and Y/N takes the first one. 

"You ready?" 

"Ya." Y/N says and we take them at the same time and I start to feel a little dizzy for a moment but it passes. Y/N chuckles and I see a tear roll down his face. We all look at him confused and he smiles. "I love you guys, just so you know that. There's a reason that I kept you from taking this Stephany." He smiles and another tear rolls down his face before falling limp and falling. 

I catch him and Cloaky goes and get's Bruce. I check his vitals to the best of my abilities without equipment and he seems fine for now. Bruce rushes over and takes Y/N from me before going to med-bay. 

"What went wrong?" I try to think of what caused this and I understand he didn't have me take this. I feel my breathing starting to become uneven but try and pull myself out of it. 

"Stephen?" Tony says worldly and I open a portal to med-bay and go through and it closes before they could get through. I go over to Y/N and Bruce looks at me but gives me a reassuring smile. 

"He's going to be okay Stephen. There was something wrong with whatever he took and he's going to be out for a while. He should be up in a few weeks and he's going to be a little loopy when he does get up, but he's going to be okay." Bruce says and I smile. 

"Thanks Bruce." 

"Of course Stephen. You know he did this to save your life right?" He asks.

"No but it comes as no surprise to me."

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