The Project for the Flashes of Green Light

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A Flash of Green Light

With plenty of experience, Albus and the others snapped into action and Albus caught Jessica just before her head hit the floor. ‘Somebody help!’ he yelled and Neville jerked to his feet from his chair. Albus shook Jessica by her shoulders. ‘Jess, come on! Look at me, Jessie. What happened?’

Jessica’s eyes snapped open and were bright red. Rose screamed and Avery staggered backwards. ‘Holy crap!’ Scorpius breathed and Albus, who looked straight into the red pupils, saw a sudden flash of green light. He let go of Jessica, falling backwards, gasping. He’d seen that light before...once, when he was eleven. It was the light of the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. 

‘Come on, get her to the hospital wing,’ Neville said, lifting Jessica up. Albus noticed her eyelids were shut again and he looked at his friends. Immediately, he knew they were the only ones who had seen the red in her eyes.

The flash of green light haunted Albus’s dreams that night. He was holding his wand, pointing it at Jessica and her eyes were bright red, laughing in a voice that sounded like a certain Potions teacher who was a wanted man in the wizarding world...and then there was James’ voice shouting ‘Kill her Albus, do it, now!’ and Albus was yelling, desperately crying ‘I don’t want to! Why? Why do I have to kill her?’ and Jessica sneered, laughing and jeering saying ‘Coward, coward!’ and then, Albus heard the words leave his mouth. ‘Avada Kedavra!’ he roared and there was a flash of green light and everything was gone.

Albus woke with a start, sweating and gasping. ‘Christ,’ he choked, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. He swung his legs out of bed, grabbing his wand and his invisibility cloak. He put it around him, hurrying out of the Gryffindor tower, walking faster than ever towards the hospital wing. Halfway there, without looking where he was going, he bumped into somebody and he fell to the ground, the cloak falling off him. He looked up and saw Jessica, her eyes blue and full of panic. ‘I just dreamt that you...’

‘...I know, I killed you,’ Albus said in a hoarse voice. ‘I dreamt too. And the green light...’

‘That’s the third time,’ Jessica whispered. ‘That’s the third time I’ve seen it. And before that I always see red. Bright red. And there’s blue before the red. And after the green light I see black. What’s happening to me?’

‘Nightmares,’ Albus said. ‘It has to just be shock. From you fainting. It’s probably because of your dad suddenly showing up. You should get back to the hospital wing.’

Jessica nodded as Albus helped her up. ‘Thanks, Al. Hey, you’re doing History on Dark Arts, right?’

Albus nodded.

‘I’m doing Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts. Want some stuff on it?’

Albus nodded, grinning. ‘Tutors to each other, huh? Maybe Rose, Scorpio, Dimitri and Avery can do it as well.’

‘Or it could just be you and me,’ Jessica said, trying not to sound hopeful. Albus felt his heart go wild. ‘Yeah. Or it could just be you and me.’

Suddenly, there was another flash of green light and Albus jumped, turning to the window. He rubbed his eyes. He realised he must’ve been more tired than he thought. He thought he had seen Lockwood’s face in the window.


The next morning, Albus managed to convince himself that everything had just been a dream and he had been imagining the green flashes, knowing they would drive him crazy if he kept dwelling on it. He ordered himself not to look into the fact that he and Jessica had dreamt the same dream because he had vowed not the get into any mysteries all year. Sitting in Potions, he was half relieved to be there. Half relieved because his favourite subject was now being taught by his favourite teacher again but not relieved because the whole classroom had an uneasy air to it, as if Lockwood was actually there. After Potions, while in the first DA meeting of the year, Albus saw Teddy was distracted. Very distracted. By Victoire. Avery noticed Albus was out of it and followed his friend’s gaze before gagging on the sight he saw. ‘Oh man!’ he complained, covering his eyes. ‘I think I’m going to be scarred for life!’ 

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