A Night to Remember

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  • Dedicated to Morgan Rose Parker


A Night to Remember

Albus gripped his wand tightly, pointing it straight at Lockwood who sighed heavily. ‘Potter, I’ve told you this once and I will say it again. Don’t use that wand if it won’t help you at all.’

‘Shut up!’ Albus shouted angrily. ‘I can kill you with this!’

Lockwood laughed loudly...then his face turned ugly. ‘Really? Impedimenta!’

Jessica was the one who blocked the spell, now on her feet too. ‘It’s two against one, Lockwood. Give up now and you might save yourself a lot of injuries.’

‘Oh, my darling Miss Riddle,’ Lockwood said with a smug smile. ‘You really wish. Stupefy!’

Protego!’ Albus yelled and the spell rebounded off the almost invisible shield he’d placed in front of them. Soon enough, Albus found himself in a situation he’d been taught to deal with from the DA. A duel. Lights flashed in front of him and he found himself  shouting spells he’d only heard and never practiced. The moon shone down on the lake and Albus quickly dodged a hex that Lockwood had cursed at him. A howl echoed through the night and the duel paused momentarily.

Avery, Albus thought. Yet he couldn’t dwell on his friend’s safety for long as Lockwood was back into the battle seconds later.

‘Al, double stun!’ Jessica cried. Albus nodded. He remembered Teddy talking about this. Two wizards could use the same spell at the same time at the same object and make the spell more powerful than it would be individually, however, the two wizards casting the spell had to be physically touching. Albus clasped Jessica’s hand and the two yelled in unison ‘Impedimenta!’

Lockwood was blasted back but cast a shield charm, protecting himself from further injury. He swore angrily and pointed his wand at Jessica. ‘It’s evident you’re smarter than he is,’ he said. ‘So I’ll get rid of you first. Avada Kedavra!’

Albus felt fear pound through his veins. ‘No!’ he shouted. ‘Firmissimo Praesidio!’

A light blue beam of light erupted from his wand, wrapping itself around himself and Jessica, Lockwood’s curse rebounding off the shield and into the forest. Albus’s eyes widened in shock and he let the shield drop, his wand arm falling weakly at his side.

‘What the hell was that?’ Jessica whispered in admiration. Albus swallowed. ‘I’ve got no idea.’

Lockwood’s eyes narrowed in frustration and he roared ‘Geminus Expelliarmus!’

Albus and Jessica’s wands flew out of their hands onto the stones behind them. Lockwood advanced towards his two opponents. ‘Hm. You have improved since last year, I must admit,’ he said, flicking his wand from one to the other. ‘However...you will never be good enough to defeat me. So. Here’s the question. Which one of you do I kill first?’

Avada Kedavra!’

Lockwood was blasted back onto the cold stone, his eyes wide open as green light shot towards him, paralysing him. Albus spun round in shock and relief to face his savior, to find Teddy standing there. ‘Thank God you two are okay!’ he said as Albus hugged him tightly.

‘It was thanks to your training,’ Jessica said honestly. ‘I swear, we would be dead right now without you.’

Teddy’s eyes turned cold and he trudged over to Lockwood. ‘They weren’t ready to kill you yet,’ he said, kicking the body. ‘But I was ready last year. You just got away before I got my chance.’

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