Chapter 2: Nuggs Isn't Stolen

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The time had finally come for my plane ride to California. Everything had been packed, I had my purse together, and Nuggs was in his special backpack with a window and plenty of air holes. It was a struggle to get him into the backpack because he was nervous, but I bribed him with treats. Bribing your child always works, right?

I ordered an Uber but unfortunately the only one available had two stars. When I got into the car, it smelled of alcohol and vomit.

"Listen here, I only have two rules and you're already breaking one of them. I don't allow animals," he sneered at me.

"She's just in a carrier, she's not going to get out," I explained.

"I don't care. Get out!"

"Listen dude, I don't know what your problem is, but I can see why you only have two stars. I'll find a different car then," I said as I got out the car.

Forty minutes and one other Uber ride later I arrived at the  airport, making sure to give the driver a five star review.

"Thanks!" I called as he drove away. Heading inside the main building I decided to buy some snacks for the journey. I bought a tea and some crackers for me, and put some water and treats into Nuggs' backpack.

"Meow-ow," she chirped in thanks.

After I checked in and sat down to wait for boarding, a little girl in pigtails walked up to me.

"Can I pet your cat?" she asked, while rocking back and forth on her feet.

I thought about it while looking around nervously. "I don't think I would be allowed to take her out, I'm sorry. But you can say hi if you want," I told her.

"Hi kitty! What's her name?"

"Her name is Nuggs, like a nugget," I explained.

"I love chicken nuggies!" she squealed, making chuckle.

"Me too, bye," I said as her father called her back.

"Now boarding flight 451 to Los Angeles, repeating now boarding flight 451 to Los Angeles," someone said over the loudspeaker.

Walking over to the gate I showed my ticket and was greeted warmly.

"Ah, I see you are in first class. You can go ahead and board now, and one of the flight attendants will see you to your seat. Have a great day!" she said, pointing me towards the way. I had decided to splurge for first class because I hadn't gone on vacation for awhile.

"Thanks," I smiled, "I hope you do too."

Inside the plane, a flight attendant wearing a crisp blue and yellow dress guided me to my seat.

"How are you doing today?" she smiled while gesturing to my seat.

"Great, thank you. How are you?" I asked while settling into my seat and putting Nuggs' backpack on the seat beside me.

"I'm also doing great. Can I get you a drink? We have a wide variety available free of charge in first class."

"I would love a chai tea if that's possible," I requested.

"Of course! I'll get that right out and just to let you know, our flight is pretty full so you might have to move that sweet little cat," she said, pointing to the backpack.

"Oh that's fine, I'll move her if someone comes. Thank you!"

"No problem," she said, already moving away to greet other passengers. 

I began to unpack my bag, getting out some earbuds ready to plug into the monitor after the safety demonstration. I also got out some cross-stitch to do, grateful that the airline allows you to bring sewing needles to do embroidery. While I was in the middle of stitching an outline for a specific area, someone tapped my shoulder.

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