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Again, please take safety measures Opel and other gm related companies are highly toxic engines, produce radiation possibly cancer, and use highly explosive implosive gases by aware in its twin/dual fairing engine mode they are even more deadly.

So please study fuel behavior in environment static back charge and how properly handle those gases in safe way and don't use deam LPG or propane that staff is defiantly not good on ground ignition cars!

If you like to study on small engines who are similar like my sohc engine and have proper safety gear breathing tubes and proper protection for skin, possibly have pole tester at hand and some other static protection.

Hard to tell honestly so don't by to close to engine get fair distance from it and have if possible radiation measuring devices gas meter and other measuring equipment at hand.

Again those engines are highly dangerous Brown engine event ought I see it recently didn't even know about it, but it is heavily reinforced exactly what would require any compound engine.

So better not to get involved in it making you engine to normal hit-and-miss or hot bulb is less difficult'r that ting does not use much fuel any way, it's after all tractor design fuel per time measurement.

So, I highly recommend to use that first as teaching purpose.

I honestly just got my engine by accident and simply study its effects.

So yeah, mostly nothing more to it, just experience I suppose.

I dono this mostly resemble's hot rod's it's easy to take sheet aluminum or stainless and simply bend it to your original car design probably a sponge would do it well apparently you give that car nice safety feature like coatings, resin or fiberglass body on chrome pipes frame and of course to protect operator from static accidents toxicity explosions and simply just mount compound engine to truck car tractor bike and have all the stability and traction what you need mostly I would consider truck frame 6 wheeler because hey why not? And those hydraulic and pneumatic assistance might come in handy for work.

Simply cut frame and weld back together, that's what hot rod cars do.

Again, typical Smokey design aka cheating litel guy.

There you go, I don't think someone push you out of rode with truck standards easily.

Well, apparently magnetic lifting is just nice but lite over advanced for my taste.

So really I don't see why this won’t work?

People doing that for years or they simply scavenge electric vehicle heavy-duty tow thingy and simply add that typical compound engine with generator of course you can re engineer that tow electric vehicle for your body “chassis design” well similar to Owen magnetic car gasoline/electric drive.

So, I think I covered most of interesting things concerning shell, joe well sorry Stanley Mayer, but joe is better teacher.

And don't really need many expensive devices to make it work.

As told before, they are just methods of extraction by whatever mean's of energy release ore scaveging!

I know I might not be good teacher but mostly about electro magnetic its just matter what you accelerate either magnet, core or conductor it might by even colliding gas's .

It's really not hard to understand.

AC mean's in magnetism “acceleration”(left and right) earth's magnetic field and DC + represent mostly lifting force and DC - (up and down) and those degree angel just represent rotation of ball type shape.

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