Trip to Andros

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"Girls! I found it." Miss Griselda said.

"The book says: An illusionist is a person who can cast illusions to trick people, and divide and conquer. It can be a Wizard or a being trying to get in contact of the Magic Dimension." Bloom said.

"But don't be fooled by their true forms: They usually take a childish form and use their cuteness to get what they want." Stella also said.

"Girls! Something is wrong with Andros." Miss Faragonda said. Aisha gasped.

"The water is freezing up. And all the Mermaids are frozen." Miss Faragonda said.

"You and the Trix are going to work together." Miss Faragonda said with bemusement.

"What! Did you just forget everything they did to us!" Aisha cried.

"We have to trust them. Icy sent me a message that said they wanted to help you." Miss Faragonda confirmed.

"Are they here yet?" Bloom asked.

"Yes." Miss Faragonda said, the winx walked
To the courtyard and saw the Trix.

"I don't know much, but I know that this
Person is dangerous."

"Okay, Magic Winx
Crystal Sirenix!"

"Magic Trix Sirenix!"

The winx and trix transform
Into Crystal Sirenix. A blue portal opened and they stepped in. When they got there, they noticed the place was almost frozen.

"Wait! WHAT is that! Ahhh!!" Stella screamed, the Trix and the Winx noticed that Stella was missing and in her place was a cloud of darkness.

In the darkness was Stella, she had an evil smirk.

"That's not Stella anymore!" Darcy said.

"Hahahaha! You can't escape me," Dark Stella laughed.


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