Chapter 2: Upacking

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After bringing in all of her boxes from the car, Sheila returned to her new apartment, about to unpack her things. She noticed Drew looking at her as she carried two of the boxes to her bedroom.

"You want any help carrying your boxes to your bedroom?" Drew asked.

"I think I got everything," She replied. "Through, could you tell me what room is mind?" She asked.

"Your bedroom is the room to the upper left over there,  the one closest to the kitchen, and your bathroom is right next to the kitchen," Drew replied.

"Alright, thank you. I will be taking my boxes to my room to unpack my stuff," Sheila said, walking toward her with two of the boxes with her.

"Okay, I will be watching here in the living room," Drew told her.


Sheila then walked into her new bedroom and had the wall painted black and green. Since she had at painted a week before, she was due to move on in.

 There was a queen-size bed with brown sheets and a blanket, along with two white pillows, but that would change as soon as her blankets and sheets were unpacked. The room also had two grey nightstands as well as a black dresser that was placed next to a small closet.

"This room is not bad. I need to get a desk through to grade my student's work. Speaking of that, I have an interview tomorrow at Middleton high school for a teaching job," She said, placing the two boxes on the floor near the wall, before getting the rest of her boxes.


After bringing all of her boxes into her room, Sheila opened them so she could start unpacking her stuff and placed them in the room of her new apartment.

The first box she opened contained black sheets and a soft lime green blanket along with green and black pillow cases. 

"Now time to change these blankets and sheets to more of my color," She said, walking over towards the bed and began taking off the brown blanket and sheets.

She then neatly folded them up and placed them on the floor next to her before grabbing her black sheets and putting them on her bed, along with her lime green blanket.

'Now that's better. All that's left is putting new pillow cases on the pillows.' She thought, reaching into the opened box and pulling out some green and black pillow cases and extra pillows to put in the closet.

She then picked up one of the pillows and took off the white pillow case, which she placed on the pile of folded sheets and blanket. Then cover it with the green and black pillowcase.

"This is starting to look even better," She said, placing the pillow on the bed before grabbing the other one and doing the same with its pillowcase.

Once that was done, she grabbed the original pillowcases,   sheets, and blanket and put them in the closet on the shelf at the top, and closed the door to the closet once finished.

Sheila was about to see what else was in the box, until she was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door.

"You can come in, Drew!" She called out, realizing it was most likely her new roommate knocking on her bedroom door.

The door opened, and Sheila turned to see Drew walking into her bedroom.

"I see that you changed the bed to green and black," Drew said as he noticed the new sheets, blankets, and pillowcase.

"Yeas, the colors suit me better than brown does," She said, pointing to her green skin. "Anyway, was ther something you need?" She asked.

Drew nodded, understanding what she meant about the green. "Right, it goes with your skin which is green. Is there a reason for that?" He asked curiously.

"That something I don't feel like sharing!" She snapped, annoyed."Again do you need something?" She repeated.

"Sorry didn't know it was personal with the skin," He apologized nervously."I'm grabbing some lunch, then going to the store later today. Do you want anything to eat as well?" He asked.

"That depends. What are you grabbing for lunch?" She asked.

"Something from Bueno Nacho since it is close to the apartment," Drew replied.

"I don't eat there often, but I'm hungry, so sure, get me two beef and bean taco," She replied, reaching g into her purse on the nightstand.

"No need for the money. I often you lunch, so I pay for your taco Sheila," Drew said, stopping her from grabbing her wallet.

"Thanks, but I have no problem paying for my food."

"That might be Sheila, but as I said, I often get you lunch so that I will pay for your lunch."

Sheila nodded and moved her hand away from her purse. "Okay, you can go ahead and pay for y lunch then, Drew."

"Alright, I will be back with your tacos, Sheila," He said, heading back towards the door."Would you like a drink as well?"

"Yeah, lemonade would be nice." 

"Lemonade got it . I will be back in a little while."

Sheila nodded and went back to unpacking her boxes to finish getting everything put away where she wanted them to be. As Drew left her bedroom to go grab the both of them some lunch.

Chapter End-

I hope you all enjoy the second chapter of my very first story. In the chapter, Sheila begins to unpack her boxes and set up her bedroom. Let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far.

Thanks for reading!

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