Little White Rabbit × Big Black Snake 9

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In the hunting process, I prepared both cattle and deer.

But Cang Mo was afraid of drinking deer blood. He could only hold it at a rabbit that was too small. It was uncomfortable.

In the end, I still used cows.

Shen Yanning said, "We don't need deer blood!"

A real man can be full of passion without deer blood.

Cang Mo didn't participate in the carnival behind him. He took Shen Yanning back to bed early. Shen Yanning tried to change back to person, but he still failed and fell asleep without heart and lungs.

Cang Mo opened his eyes, stared at the rabbit, and prayed to the beast god in his heart.

I hope Ning Ning will become a new person soon!

The little rabbit was only as big as the palm of his hand, and a small ball shrank in Cangmo's nest temporarily set up for him.

It's really too small.


As small as Cangmo felt that if something flashed in his mind, bad thoughts should not be particularly bad.

Unlike Cangmo, who has been worried all night, Shen Yan would rather sleep soundly. When Shen Yanning woke up, he stretched out.

The slender limbs stretched out, like a cocoon into a butterfly, spreading its beautiful wings.

"Huh?" Shen Yanning later realized that he had turned back into a person.

He sat up and looked down at his body.

He has just finished his animalization. Of course, he is not dressed.

"It's white..." Shen Yanning found that his skin had become more delicate and white. Previously, white was white, but at least it was still the category of human beings.

Now, it's a little developing towards immortals, flawless.

Shen Yanning said, "People become more animalized, and I have become whiter. What's the reason?"

[Probably... Because you are a little white rabbit?]

Shen Yanning was not so repulsive to good skin, but even it became pink there, and he felt that he didn't look like attacking at all.

He is as exquisite as a work of art now.

He reached out and touched his thigh.

System 000:

"Try it too?" Cang Mo looked at Shen Yanning with burning eyes and stretched out his hand to stroke Shen Yanning's thighs, which was indeed as slippery as jade.

Moreover, he also has the body temperature that Cangmo likes.

The body temperature of their snakes is much lower than that of other races, so they either like to bask in the sun or hope to find a plush partner to hold warmth.

"Well, it's very slippery and tender." Cangmo's eyes were deep, and his voice changed.

Shen Yanning was a little heartwarming by Cang Mo's hand. He looked at Cang Mo happily.

"Are you ready? I owe you the bridal chamber candle night last night, and I can make up for it now!

I'm ready all the time.

Shen Yanning looked forward to Cangmo, so he turned over and pressed Cangmo.

When Cangmo saw that Shen Yanning was so active, he smiled very hard.

System 000: Alas, for the first time, I saw the stupid child who jumped into the snake mouth so happy.

There is a strange fragrance in the air, which is stronger than usual.

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