Little White Rabbit × Big Black Snake 11

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The snake tribe divided several caves on the edge of the tribe and squeezed the rabbits.

The leaders of the snake tribe were generous. They wanted to divide them into a few more, but the other caves were too close to the place where the snake orcs lived. The rabbits were afraid of snakes and did not dare to get too close. They would rather squeeze together.

When Shen Yanning and Cangmo went to see the rabbit race, most of the rabbits were depressed.

"Your leader, you have worked hard all the way." Shen Yanning said to the rabbit leader.

The leader of the rabbit clan looked at Cang Mo next to Shen Yanning and held back the truth.

Originally, everyone's spirit was not that bad. Didn't they come near the snake tribe and were scared by the smell of snakes?

"Fortunately, the adults of the snake tribe received us warmly, and we didn't work much." The leader of the rabbit clan sighed, "It's just that the wolf tribe is getting too farther and more, and several tribes have been occupied by the wolf tribe. We received the news that the sheep tribe had been attacked before we ran early. Shen Yanning asked:

"What about our rabbits in the future?

"The leader of the snake tribe promised me that he could divide the land for us, and we could also dug caves ourselves." The rabbit leader said.

What bothers him more is that there are many bachelors in the snake tribe, and one or two want to find a partner in their tribe.

But the rabbits in the tribe are more afraid of snakes.

This is a natural fear in animal nature. Whether it is a wolf or a snake, these rabbits can't escape being eaten. They are afraid.

But the cave near here is not suitable for living, even if it is inconvenient to excavate. Chief, do you want to try building a house?" Shen Yanning said.

Since this is a snake tribe, of course, the snake tribe will choose the best caves. These remaining caves are obviously not very good.

"How to build a house?" The leader of the rabbit clan asked,

Shen Yanning provided a general idea for the rabbit leader.

The rabbit leader said that he could give it a try and give me some guidance at that time.

Shen Yanning is very happy. He has nothing to communicate with the snake tribe. These days, he only gets along with Cangmo. He wants to communicate with others.

Cang Mo was aside and looked at Shen Yanning thoughtfully.

Shen Yanning was seen unnaturally by Cangmo. What is this, eyes?

"Lead Rabbit, what did Ningning have in the tribe before? Do you have a good relationship?" Cang Mo asked. Shen Yanning:!!!! Here we go, turn over the old debts!

Don't have it.

As soon as the rabbit leader smiled, he showed his rabbit teeth and said with a smile, "Other people."

The original parents died early. Growing up as orphans, they were stubborn and lonely, and they were not too cheerful.

"Didn't Yan Ning praise who is very powerful in the tribe?" Cang Mo asked again.

Shen Yanning squinted at Cang Mo. This man is determined not to let him go, right?

I caught the clues and tried to kill him.

"No." The rabbit leader said, "I only heard him praise you before."

"Heres." Shen Yanning sat up excitedly and shook hands with the rabbit leader, "You are really a good leader of the rabbit clan!"

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