Evening Training

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Just to let you know, The Italic font is thinking, mind linking is bold and Italic, you'll be able to tell which is which don't worry!


As I'm finally able to relax, I lean my head against my bedroom wall, thinking mindlessly, I hear the murmers of the alpha, Jackson, his wife Erica, whispering, like she's afraid that someone might hear.
"He needs to have time to himself!!"
She exclaims.. Another fight about me. I had just gotten away from my old pack and I wasn't in good shape. I was forced into becoming a general in the military service and I believe she wants me to rest, but I can't. I have to be on my feet continuously or I won't be able to sleep at night.
"You don't need to worry about me."
It was hard mind linking others that I don't know well, but I've known Erica since my old pack, I saw her twice and that was it.
"You need rest and sleep. You came to us bleeding out Evan."
Her voice is calming yet spiked with fear and worry. She's concerned about me because of how I was when I arrived, I wasn't in THAT bad of shape, I was bleeding from the side of my head and I had lost a battle to another. It wasn't pleasant for me, but she treats me like her own brother.
"I'll be okay. I'm not in pain and it's just a scratch!"
I respond to her but she doesn't respond to me for a while.
"Get dressed. We're going out to train in the woods."
Ah, like always, the one voice that makes me feel sick to my stomach. His voice is musky and it's powerful. I can even smell him from my room even through his own voice!! He reeks of orange and pears. I let out a sigh as I pick myself up from my endless wonder, putting on a comfy pair of sweatpants and a tight skin longed sleeved T-shirt, it showed off the part of my body that I was proud of, putting on my travel boots I hear Erica's voice yell,
Her voice was powerful and it was nice, as I walk downstairs I hear the others talk about, I expected it to be our pack this time, not some other pack I knew about all to well. By the time we all round up it's about 5 pm,
Slow Ugly Snails.
I growl mentally with how slow they can be. If I were in control, they'd have a tight schedule. As we do our normal routine route to the back woods, as always, I'm first. Other's accuse me of 'cheating' or 'getting off with luck of the alpha' but it's all just shit talk. I'm fast on my feet, I was trained to do this, I feel bad for the ones who fall behind. Jackson would chew them out for it. Everything becomes eerily silent.
"You smell that?"
Poppy asks, she's the alpha's beta.
".. Yea." Jackson looks like he's trying to concentrate
Poppy asks like she's not sure if it's safe or not. Suddenly, a loud laugh echos through the woods. Jackson relaxes and smiles
"Nope! It's just Oscar."
I don't smell anything until it hits me, strong. The smell of firewood and after smell sex. It's- calmingly enjoyable, all of a sudden I can't stay still. I look around to see who might emerge from the thick bushes and trees, and then I see him.
He looks... Hot- NO. no! What am I thinking!? For Christ sakes he's an alpha!
I growl out loud, not meaning to and I pinch the bridge of my nose, sighing as I feel a pair of eyes set on me. I think it'd be Jackson but no, when I look up I lock eyes with HIM. Suddenly as I continue to keep eye contact I'm realizing something I don't want to realize.
"Erica, I need to go home, I feel like I'm suffocating and sick."
I'm trying to hard not to continue this game of staring but then I hear a low chuckle beside me,
"Great. It's the big bad idiot James."
I look over towards James, he's staring me down and I don't like the twinkle in his eye.
Everyone except for me cheers, instead, I groan loudly in annoyance. James always finds my weak spot at one point.

This is going to be one hell of an evening.

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