You lose!

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As soon as Jackson gives us the go, I'm off before anyone moves. My stomach is turning and it's sickening being around the one that the moon goddess has mated me with. Slowly the scent of him fade and I'm near the border of the pack, as always. I take a deep breath and allow my body to relax, I don't expect anyone to come here but I was wrong.
I was tackled behind and I let out a surprised yelp, landing on my stomach as the air from my lungs is completely whipped out, hearing the same chuckle that bitch has.
"James." (Evan)
"Evan." (James)
Hearing his voice makes me madly upset and pissed. He sounds like he's trying to seduce everyone. It's annoying.
"You know, I love this."
James's voice is quiet and hushed. I feel a shiver crawl up my spine and it's not because I'm cold or I like it. I don't like it and it's very uncomfortable.
"Get off James. You know what happened last time."
A growl escapes my lips as the sentence drags out of my mouth. As stupid as the man can be, I know he wants to fight me because Jackson would always stop us and he fight would go unfinished. As fast as I could, our spots are switch and I'm sitting on top of him. Quickly switching myself so I'm facing him. He laughs like he's just won a Grammy Award, raising my hand up as I clutch into my bare skin, I land one blow first to his nose. As if on cue I hit him once more before he tried to throw me off, of course I almost lose balance but I'm not off of him completely. He's pissed, I thought about telling Jackson to come help but- oh well, I've come this far and James needs to learn his place before I have to do it by force. Which, I kinda already am but hey, we don't tell anyone, alright? His eyes flicker from a bronze brown to a gold mixed with red color, he's losing control, to me, this is awesome. It's so fuckin' nice watching people tick and then BOOM! He'll become a "big bad wolf."
Once again I'm pinned down but this time my back lands on something sharp. That shit hurt a lot. I screamed and apparently someone was near by. The scent is all to familiar but all to new.
... Oscar.
Yelling out loud does no good.

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