Domestic Problems

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Domestic means at home I believe, I can't remember-


oing home should've been easy, but due to MR. ALPHA OSCAR, I'm being escorted home and it's dragging on for what seems like forever.
Only if I could've properly talked to him, the fucker would've been gone. But as all say, "don't fight over an alpha's choice."

As I get home, I do what I usually do, ignore everyone and go to bedroom. I COULDN'T STAND SMELLING THAT FORSAKEN GODLY SMELL.. Sorry. It's as if the moon goddess is trying to trigger my heat because it's sure as hell working. I'm out of heat pills so I lock my door and before I knew it I was undressed and pulling out a bottle of lube with some other toys, of course I didn't need to tell anyone, Erica always knew what was happening for some odd reason.

"Make sure no one comes to my room, thank you."

But as always I like to remind people. She says okay like the normal person she is and I have yet to notice that- his smell.. Is way stronger then before

"You need help?"

Oh god his voice only makes this situation more worse.

"... Possible. What are you wanting to help with?"

I mentally slap myself for that one.

Fucking idiot you know well enough of what he exactly wants.

As if on que, he opens the door- HE OPENED THE DOOR!?... I forgot that the bottom lock doesn't work. How stupid can I be.

"I think you already know.."

God he doesn't know how bad his voice makes me want some more action. Why not take the opportunity while I have it?? Looking him directly in the eyes, he's waiting and I like that, but I wish I saw some wild in his eyes.

"Indeed I know, but do know what this means for us?"

I ask him, knowing he has no clue of what he could be getting himself into.

"No and yes, I won't mark you until you want me, but that won't happen for the both of us 'till we get to know each other well enough."

Wow.. Impressive, I really like him. He's a keeper for sure.

"You're wearing a condom, no if's and's or but's, you understand?"

He nods, understanding that I don't want to knotted or want to take care of kids at my age. You see, I know it's weird for me to say this, but I'm a rare one, I'm an omega male that can have kids, unlike other males, that can't have them, they're seen..

"You sure you wanna do this? You're thinking about something."

Once again his voice drags me from my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed that he was in front of me, I take a steady breath and looks at his features, his jaw line is sharp and his eyes are a beautiful hazelnut color, his body isn't packed with muscles but he has a light 6 pack coming in, he looks soft. Unlike me-

"I'm sure. I just really think you're beautiful-"

I thought about what I said for a few moments and smiled softly, seeing his reaction was wholesome, his air got caught and his eyes lit up with a soft happy shine, like it's the first time he's been told this. He's like a puppy.

love you guys, please eat, sleep, and rest!
Take care of yourself!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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