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Third Person Narrative

Since their first mission, the team had run a few missions including the retrieval of an 0-84 in Peru. The team had become closer in such a short period of time, and the newest addition, Skye, was fitting right into the mix. Y/N had felt like she had people to go to to talk to, and even though they lived on a plane it felt homey. She awoke in the morning, early as usual to go train and get in some hours. She got her routine set. Wake up, get dressed, half hour on the treadmill, half hour with a punching bag, shower, ready for work. The routine helped keep her grounded and get the job done. Once she had finished training for the morning she hopped in the shower. It was peaceful and the warm water soothed her previous injuries from the missions. Once she was dressed she met the rest of who were awake in the lounging area. Of course it was only the early birds which included Coulson, May and Ward.

"Morning." She coughed as she sat down.

"Morning." Coulson responded, "Coffee."

"Please." She said back.

Coulson poured her a cup of coffee, handing it to her. As she sipped on the coffee she embedded herself into the conversation, dry at that although. May wasn't saying much; she was sipping her coffee herself. It was mostly back and forth between Coulson and May talking about SHIELD intel. When Skye entered the room yawning she was relieved, finally someone to talk to where it wouldn't be half awkward.

"Morning, newbie." Y/N chuckled.

"Morning." Skye yawned very dramatically, "What do you all get up this early?"

"Yes." They all replied in unison, then laughing a bit.

"Training is always best in the mornings when you're alert." Y/N told her, "Training after a mission is just dreadful."

"I'd rather just sleep and not train at all." She joked back.

Ward gave her a distinguishable look and rolled his eyes.

"That attitude of yours." He groaned.

"Relax, robot I was joking." Skye said snarkily.

That got a kick out of Y/N. She laughed at the notion.

"Oh what are you laughing at?" Ward asked her.

"Nothing." She smirked back.

Maybe this whole friends thing would work out between them, at least right now it seemed okay. Y/N watched Coulson arise from his seat walking to the briefing room staring intently at one of the tablets. She turned to look back at him, because of their relationship that he knew nothing about, she always felt worried about him.

"Everything okay sir?" Y/N asked calmly.

"You don't have to call me sir Y/L/N." Coulson replied.

What would he rather her call him, dad? Funny she thought to herself, her subconscious trying to be cheeky.

"It seems a SHIELD operative was infiltrated." Coulson sighed, "A secret project compromised."

Here we go again, Y/N thought. Another day, another mission. Once everyone had awoken now, they all had gathered in the briefing room. Coulson went over the details of a man, scientist Dr. Franklin Hall who had been kidnapped by unknown sources. An invisible hand to say the least.

"Dr. Hall." Simmons frowned, "One of Fitz and I's professors."

"We've been asked to investigate the invisible source out there." Coulson continued, "I will need Fitzsimmons on this, and the rest of you as the muscle."

"What about me?" Skye asked.

"Observe." Coulson responded.

Y/N stayed with Coulson in the briefing room while the others went to go do their own thing pertaining to the mission. They had lifted off, and they would go to the next location in no time.

"Isn't Dr. Hall, one of the leaders in studies of gravitonium?" Asked Y/N.

"I believe so." Coulson answered, "I assume someone needs his area of expertise on this maybe?"

"But who?" Y/N questioned.

"I'm not sure yet." Coulson replied, "But if we find something at the scene we may have a better shot to understand who."

The plane had landed once again taking them to their destination. Y/N walked into the truck where Dr. Hall was being hidden, and she noticed the intricate cutting that went through the thick metal. Expensive tools were used alright.

"Whoever did this had money and resources." She spoke in the comms.

She walked to where Fitzsimmons was, she saw something floating in the air around them. It looked to be particles of sand. As she walked closer the particles began to hit her, she closed her eyes to prevent irritation.

"What the hell is this Fitz?" She inquired.

"It seems to be some sort of magnetic gravity field." Fitz replied, "Just a few adjustments here, and BOOM!"

He had stopped the sand particles from flying and acquired a small metal ball with something floating on the inside,

"Woah." Fitz gasped.

"Gravitonium." Coulson said as he walked up with the rest of the crew, "We found the company name of the construction tools used for this, Ward and I are going to go check it out."

The rest of them went back to the plane to inspect Fitz's findings and wait for their next orders. It took a couple hours before Coulson and Ward came back, but they didn't come back empty handed. On the table of the lab they dropped a couple gold bars on the table for Simmons to inspect.

"Not pure gold, it seems he got cheated out." Simmons said with disappointment, "From what it's reading this originates from a gold mine in Malta."

Y/N went to the computer to continue to research the gold's origins or rather who owned the mine. When she found the results she groaned in disappointment this mission was going to be a doozy.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Y/N groaned again.

"What is it?" Ward asked.

"The mine is owned by Ian Quinn." She replied back.

"Great." May chimed in, sharing in the disappointment.

Not only was he untouchable before, but now their prime suspect was located in Malta, a place they could not go legally. This mission would be a slippery one, accompanied by a rotten fish, Ian Quinn.

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